A recruiter has given the key to what is the perfect time to find a new job: in March

In the same way that it is convenient to wait for the right time to request a salarythe job search also has its “sweet point” at a certain moment of the year in which the options of Find a new job They increase. As Beatriz Gómez, a specialist in Human Resources, in a hung video … Read more

The comic-with Malaga is a milestone for the city and for Spain. His challenge is now to find out what kind of event he wants to be

Malaga will have Your own comic-withwith the denomination of official origin of what is the Convention of Comics in particular and entertainment for the most famous and influential Fandom in the world, the world, the Comic-Con de San Diego. It will be the first time that the brand leaves the United States and will be … Read more

Between Elon Musk controversies and very low sales, Tesla’s actions only find one: the sinking

We are just two months from 2025 and Tesla is living an extremely complicated moment. In 2024 he did not get his sales to grow, an anomaly for the company. And 2025 does not advance well. At the moment, we have the performance of two months but the data is extremely bad in all markets. … Read more

This man is the first person who flies to space without revealing his identity. They haven’t taken to find out who it is

Six people traveled yesterday to the Blue Origin suborbital rocket. One was Jesús Callejathe first television presenter that crosses the line of Kárman as part of the filming of a documentary. In the same ship another five people flew. Four of them, millionaire businessmen and executives who had paid for the flight. The sixth crewman … Read more

What is and how to find content on this online courses and training platform

Let’s explain What is and how to use Grow With Googlethe Google online courses system. It is a page that is available for all users who have an account with the company, and that, and in which a large number of courses are indexed. We are going to start the article briefly explaining what this … Read more

Find out what the buying and selling prices of the US dollar are today, Thursday, January 23, in Mexico and the main countries

The price of the dollar today comes to us with a strengthened price compared to several of its emerging peers, although it is experiencing changes in the Aztec market. The price of the US dollar this Thursday, January 23, 2025 closed with an exchange value of 20.31 Mexican pesosaccording to information provided by Dow Jones. … Read more