We thought we had seen everything about the futuristic city of Neom. A document has revealed what Saudi Arabia hidden: its cost

At the beginning of March Neom He was news again. Satellite images through Google showed that the expansion of its port had experienced a significant transformation as Part of oxagonthe “Pata” futuristic “leg” of Neom. Once again, the hyperbole flooded a project that was born exaggerated and that, perhaps, dies exactly the same. Dreams and … Read more

After a delay of seven years, Saudi Arabia takes up the works of the highest skyscraper in the world. Let’s see what lasts

Saudi Arabia has become the Madrid of the ‘galacticos’, the Barcelona of the ‘Tiki-Taka’. When we talk about megaconstructions, the country plays in another league, a capable of shadowing the Almighty Manhattan. And it is evident when we see all those projects that have as hands like the imposing MUKAABthe huge Abraj al Bait tower … Read more

Saudi Arabia has sealed a key pact to dominate the AI

Saudi Arabia is launched into the conquest of the Artificial Intelligence (AI)entering fully into the battle to lead one of the most promising businesses of the moment. The country, whose economy continues to depend largely on oil, has been looking to diversify its sources of income for years. A key piece of this ambitious plan … Read more

In full desert, Saudi Arabia is preparing its next great energy bet with the help of a partner: China

Saudi Arabia is facing a fiscal deficit Due to the expensive investments in projects such as The Line, which are part of their 2030 vision to diversify its economy. However, one part compensates for another, and that is that the Saudi country is focused in covering everything with solar panelsbut it has not taken into … Read more

Trump, implacable in Davos: demands less fiscal burden on the EU, a drop in oil to Arabia and more than doubling military spending in countries like Spain

Historic speech by the new president of the United States, Donald Trump, in his telematic speech before the auditorium of the World Economic Forum in Davos. Trump has surpassed…