The northern hemisphere has the highest snow extension of the last 20 years. In Spain that sounds like science fiction

While the extension of Arctic Ice was in January the second lowest Since there are satellite data, snow is giving a surprise. According to the NOAAsnow levels in the northern hemisphere are the highest in 20 years. Although the truth is that Europe (even less in Spain) we are not noticing it. What about snow … Read more

Apple’s folding sounds more and more strength. It is a golden opportunity to change the smartphones market

We have been with the cantinela for years that “next year, Apple will present its folding smartphone.” And no, there is not always water in the river When it sounds. However, this start of 2025 starts with increasingly solid tracks About this project. The last They are related to Chinese manufacturer Lens Technology, who will … Read more

The Danish ITV has suspended one in four Tesla Model 3 in one year and is a music that sounds to us

The Tesla Model 3 is, without a doubt, one of the most interesting electric cars in the autonomy/price relationship. Since arriving on the European market, he has played to stay at the level of the rest of competitors but always offering an extra autonomy and with the security network provided by Tesla superchargers. Year after … Read more

Getting an infusion with olive leaves sounds very good and healthy. Science has much more doubts about it

Olive oil is a fundamental ingredient In the Mediterranean diet. Spain is one of the great producers That, for years, he focused on being a large world producer of consumer oil, Leaving Italy The high ranges. That changed a few months agobut of course: in addition to olive or olives, we have to talk about … Read more

Frank Black celebrated the anniversary of an album that sounds better than ever now

Regarding the grooves of his first album, Black changed things a bit in relation to what he had offered a couple of days before at the Fillmore in San Francisco; not in terms of the presence of the chosen songs, but in the order in which he presented them, because instead of performing “Los Angeles” … Read more

The “Finnish trick” to insulate your house from the cold by hand sounds great. Has major leaks

We all know those videos that started on Facebook and reached TikTok of fixes or repairs in less than five minutes. Some were useful, others logic itself told you that it couldn’t be like that. In this line and with the arrival of the cold, ingenuity sharpens, last winter the trick was simple: Use a … Read more