It is more expensive to buy it second -hand than order it and sign up for the waiting list

He Xiaomi Su7 Ultra The Chinese electric car market has placed up legs. It has double merit if we take into account that we are talking about the country where the competition for the electric car is the fiercest and because we talk about a company that launched its first electric car just over a … Read more

The intense rains of March have filled the reservoirs of Spain with water. Good news for the Light’s Invoice

In recent weeks, in Spain it has rained so much that the swamps of the peninsular center are so full that they will have to unwind. A news that will directly influence the electricity bill, but for good. With which we never count. When we talk about generation and renewable capacity, the two sources that … Read more

We have a way to improve the effectiveness of treatments such as Ozempic to lose weight: deceive metabolism

Our body did not evolve for the vicissitudes of modern life. During a good part of human existence, staying alive required for example that our body reacts to food shortages to prevent our energy consumption from becoming excessive and drained our reserves. In the world the contemporary world, this strategy has become an inconvenience for … Read more

Madrid libra a new existential battle in its tourist process: the invasion of the tuk tuk

Until not so long ago tuk tuk They were associated mainly with Thailand or India, populations of Asia where they circulated through crowded streets, often with foreigners on board. Not anymore. As Spain Win weight in the International Capital Tourist Circuit as Madrid, Barcelona, Seville either Alicante They have begun to see how These vehicles … Read more

Volkswagen has an ace in the sleeve if its electric of 20,000 euros does not take off. The company sells more sausages than cars

Last week he was one of those crucial moments in the history of a company like Volkswagen. The dream of the German house of offering the general public at an electric non -exorbitant price or, as they themselves announced, “for all”, it was advanced under the ID name. Every1a utility on the border of 20,000 … Read more

The 80/20 rule seemed the Holy Grail for mobile batteries. It is not as infallible as it appears

Scientific evidence points to a clear path if we want to take care of our phone’s battery: keep it between the 80 and 20%. It is a common practice among smartphones manufacturers, but also among some of the most popular electric cars in the market. However, this law is not infallible. In fact, developers of … Read more

The snow is back

Between January 8 and 9, 2021, a storm left More than 50 centimeters of snow in Madrid and other cities in the center of the Peninsula. This is how Filomena entered our lives. And, although at that time we did not know, so we It has been accompanying During all these years. We have not … Read more

Russia’s last attack on Ukraine seems taken from a film

Yesterday a meeting in Saudi Arabia was held in which Ukraine and the United States reached A high fire agreement 30 days. Washington reactive help and you can use the reserve of minerals. Now the pressure revolves to Moscow, where Putin will have to say something to the proposal. Meanwhile, the war continues. Ukraine launched … Read more