We have a way to improve the effectiveness of treatments such as Ozempic to lose weight: deceive metabolism

Our body did not evolve for the vicissitudes of modern life. During a good part of human existence, staying alive required for example that our body reacts to food shortages to prevent our energy consumption from becoming excessive and drained our reserves. In the world the contemporary world, this strategy has become an inconvenience for … Read more

There is a key to radically improve mobile photography. The problem is that only Xiaomi is applying it

The highest range mobiles They make good photographsThat is undeniable. As it is also undeniable that the defendant is increasingly aggressive and, with him, ends dying naturalness in photographs. But not everything is software, our camera sensor largely determines how aggressive they need to be (or not) those computational decisions of the phone. That is … Read more

Why an astronaut was obsessed with failure (and the lesson that leaves us to improve our productivity)

Most of us avoid thinking about failure. And when we do it is usually something inevitable, but ephemeral, because we flee from that thought. Chris Hadfield, the Canadian astronaut who commanded the International Space Station, did exactly the opposite throughout his career: Metustically visualized each possible failure. Because? To prevent it. What seems like a … Read more

“Doing nothing” is a great technique to improve your productivity. Neuroscience is clear

A priori, staring at the infinity without doing anything can collide frontally with the concept of productivity. However, according to science, You are opening a new space in your brain in which to settle knowledge or combine abstract elements that become creative ideas. Against all prognosis, it seems that those small vacations that we give … Read more

Passiflora tea to improve sleep and combat anxiety

Passiflora is a Medicinal plant Originally from South America and the southern United States, it is family of the Passiflora family, as well as Maracuyá and is recognized for its properties to relieve anxiety, insomnia and pain. It is a variety of exotic flower with curly petals with colors that go between purple and the … Read more

How to freeze bread can improve intestinal health

Freezing food is a way to extend useful life and to improve nutritional quality, as is the case with he bread Being frozen before consuming it can have a positive impact on the intestinal microbiota. The nutritionist and disseminator of health content, Beatriz González, explains in a video shared on their social networks the benefits … Read more

Experts want to redefine obesity to improve the health of millions of people in the world

A report prepared by experts from all over the world warns that the risk of diagnosing too many people is running, and that a “more precise” and “nuanced” definition is needed on this term. Doctors should take into account the general health of patients with excess fat, instead of limiting their body mass index (BMI), … Read more

The experts who want to redefine obesity to improve the health of millions of people around the world

Image source, Getty Images photo caption, Experts say that people with excess body fat can still be active and healthy. Item information Author, Philippa Roxby Author’s title, BBC News, Health Correspondent January 16, 2025 A report prepared by experts from around the world warns that there is a risk of diagnosing too many people with … Read more