Spanish companies interested in green hydrogen have found a very succulent destination to invest: Morocco

Morocco aspires that renewable energies Represent 52% of its capacity installed in 2030. At this time its percentage is 45%so, to get to the estimated, he wants to achieve it through green hydrogen. Among the companies selected to lead this initiative are Spanish companies. The project. A Moroccan Government Committee has selected five consortiums to … Read more

Spain has a plan to become the European green hydrogen leader. And it will cost us 1,214 million euros

With the corridor of H2Med almost run by A recent conflicthe First Iberian Price Index From established renewable hydrogen and a recent millionaire injection of European funds, Spain has everything to emerge as a leader in this sector. The ambition has come to stay. Injection of funds. The Government of Spain has announced which will … Read more

Nikola had everything to revolutionize the world of hydrogen trucks. Now is on the verge of bankruptcy

In 2014, and just over a decade after the appearance of Tesla, Nikola arrived. It was another automotive company, another that honored the electrical engineer and inventor And that he also wanted to mark the way in the world of electric vehicles. However, his incursion was not in the cars segment, but of trucks, which … Read more

A new material with the help of Ruthenium wants to change the rules of green hydrogen

Renewables have postulated as the Future of Energyboth particular and in entire countries. They are also the present, with examples such as Sorpasso in countries like Spain and others like Uruguay pulling practically only renewables for months. Within those renewables, the development of methods to produce green hydrogen more efficiently is key. And a team … Read more

The Plan of Spain for leading green hydrogen has been faced with an unexpected problem: Zamora

The countdown for the passage of the H2Med corridor It is underway. The one that will be the first clean hydrogen corridor of the European Union will be underway by 2030, but, as in any project, it is not exempt from controversy, since the section that goes from Zamora (Spain) to Celorico da Beira ( … Read more

Airbus’s hydrogen plane was going to reach the market in 2035. It has now been delayed in the midst of “great” challenges

Airbus wanted to take the me. First commercial plane of the world propelled by hydrogen In 2035. The ambitious initiative continues to exist, only that it is not clear when it will end up materializing. The European aerospace giant has recognized that the project is progressing at a slower pace than expected. As Reuters collects … Read more