Spanish men are developing a peculiar obsession with swamps

There is nothing written about tastes. Nor about obsessions. There are people aware of the LaLiga classificationfans of cars who do not escape any presentation, in love with literature or cinema to the removal of any novelty … and people, increasingly And that is also seen more clearly In networksthat shares a peculiar fascination: follow … Read more

To build the longest world bridge, China turned to a peculiar material: bamboo

Although Saudi Arabia and Arab Emirates are immersed in a particular war for have the most beast buildingstalking about megaconstructions is to automatically look at China. The Asian giant has some of the works more tremendous, impossible bridges and even Higher abandoned skyscraper in the world. And one of those pharaonic constructions is the Hong … Read more

(PHOTOS) J Balvin poses at Paris Fashion Week with a peculiar style

J Balvin He appeared at Paris Fashion Week for menswear and wore a peculiar outfit. The Colombian attended the Dior Homme show and wore a sweater and patent leather shoes. As for his hair, he had green braids as is very typical for him.likes to experiment with his styles. Balvin He joined other artists who … Read more