LEGO has the most original flowers to give in Valentine’s Day. We review the five best sets of the brand

LEGO has been announced by the numerous (and increases) collaborations with other brands, but also has some own harvest sets; Some are even perfect for giving in love days. Under the Botanicals line, we have a wide repertoire of flowers: From bouquets of roses to orchids or even sunflowers. In this article we have gathered … Read more

the new generation” takes roll call and introduces us to the new students with a nod to the original series

The countdown begins! Next February 16, Physics or Chemistry. The new generation, the spin off of the Spanish teen series that marked a before and after in the 2000s, will hit the screens of Atresplayer. Very soon, the halls of the Zurbaran They will be filled with new students, loves, heartbreaks, confrontations, friendships and memories … Read more

La Perla arrives in LA with its vibrant rhythmic, feminine and combative fusion

It doesn’t seem to be a coincidence. In recent weeks, we have announced the different avant-garde cumbiera groups that have been visiting Southern California, which seems to indicate the existence of a renewal movement that is not limited to a single Latin American country. And although Son Rompe Pera -who performed at Alex’s Bar in … Read more