I believed that the LSD would have improved Microsoft designs

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs They were great rivals In the field of new technologies, but they also maintained a friendly relationship. Gates confessed in An interview with the British The Independent That Steve Jobs said that Gates should have taken LSD to improve the design of Microsoft products. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates’ personal … Read more

We believed that the price of coffee could not rise much more. The diplomatic “war” between Colombia and the US thinks otherwise

Of the tens of thousands of words that make up the English lexicon, Donald Trump has one that he especially likes and for which he has declared his love in some or other interview: tariff (tariff). This weekend he reminded the Colombian president of this in a quite practical way, threatening to impose 25% rates … Read more

We believed that what we learned from the coronavirus would help us better resist other epidemics. The flu shows us that

Five years have passed since the beginning of the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, the Covid-19 virus. In those first months, some wondered what lessons we could learn of past epidemics, such as the “Spanish flu” of 1919 that we could apply to the new epidemic. The question now is another, the opposite, we could say: … Read more