If you have bought eggs these last days, surely there is something that has caught your attention. The price has increased, 25% in some casesand curiously its price is a Good economic thermometer. An increase in the price of eggs affects sectors such as hospitality, pastry, bakery or precooked products, and in the United States escalation The price of eggs is nonsense.
And given that crisis of the eggs, there are those who opt for what before it could seem crazy: the rental of chickens.
Egg-gate. There are various factors that have led to this situation. One of them is long: a gradual decrease in egg productionbut the problem that has triggered the current situation has a name and surname: Aviar flu.
The North American country has been suffering a serious epidemic for months that has left us as discouraging news as the first Mild infections in humans or the First pig spread. Although it is affecting more in the US, other countries, such as Spain, started the year Taking measures To stop an epidemic.
2025 complicated. The avian flu outbreak considerably affected eggs in the country because they have had to sacrifice Millions of laying hens, reducing the offer of eggs in the market and, of course, increasing their price.
As if this were not enough, the crisis is not expected to be resolved soon. The United States Department of Agriculture esteem that the price climb will continue during the next months, with increases of more than 40% in the remainder of 2025. Such is the impact that there are already restaurants that begin to charge supplements in their dishes if they carry egg.
Solutions. Given the needs and crises, there are those who turn on the bulb. In this case, to whom they have thought about a “And if we set up a laying chickens rental service?” One of those companies is Rent the chickn And, really, the situation is not new.
It has been operational for several years And what he offered was the possibility of “renting” chickens and poultry to offer therapies in care centers for elderly or for educational purposes for classrooms. But as if it were a Diaper company in Japanwhere they have seen business is in the possibility of offering a complete package to have chickens to put the breakfast eggs.
Chicknbuster. The company does not operate in all states, but in which it is present it offers a service consisting of:
- Portable chicken coop with two or four chickens that already put eggs and equipped with everything necessary.
- Sufficient food and advice on their care.
And it would be, to produce already to have even a dozen eggs a week with a couple of specimens. Jenn Tompkins is the co -founder of the company and, recently, commented They are living a high season in the business.
He price of renting the chickens? About 600 for the kit and two chickens, about 800 for four chickens. And the corresponding food, of course. And it also varies depending on the area and if it is more or less remote … and has a surcharge of 25 dollars per additional week.
Compensate? Let’s say that the price of the dozen reaches five stable dollars (it is already at a higher price in some places, but to have a fixed amount). In that case, if they put 12 eggs a week, there are 312 eggs in those six months, united in 26 dozen. Five dollars the dozen, there are $ 130.
The accounts do not come out, there is a situation that can compensate: there are establishments that exhaust cargoes in ten minutes. As if it were toilet paper or yeast in pandemicthere is messages In social networks that show that in some shops the eggs fly, so, with your chickens at home, you would not have that problem.
Now, seen that there are about 600 dollars for rent for six months, perhaps what compensates is to invest first in a chicken coop and animals … and enjoy the morning eggs without the Caduque rental. Beyond all this, the amazing thing is that all this It arose 10 years ago with a night search on Google of “crazy business ideas.”
Image | Rent the chickn