At this point, no one is going to deny that the positive effects that exercise on health, are indisputable. It is not an opinion, there is a whole physiological process that demonstrates it: When you exercise, serotonin and dopamine, the famous happiness hormones, are released. This decreases the cortisol, the stress hormone. And be careful, because playing sports can make you happier than being a millionaire. And yes, a study was also done to prove this claim. It was in 2018, around Yale and Oxford Universities. After analyzing data from more than a million Americans, they came to the conclusion that sport can make us happier than money. Now, let’s combine happiness with physical benefits.
Researchers of the ORTurku Universityin Finland, determined to study everything on which our happiness depends, decided to analyze and find the sport that not only makes us happier, but also works best for us in terms of toning. And they found it: he high intensity training (HIIT). To reach this conclusion, they compared the endorphins present in the body after an hour of HIIT and discovered that those who had chosen this sport compared to others had many more happiness hormones in their blood.
Not only the Danes were responsible for confirming it. Also Chinese researchers from the Shenzhen University They wanted to check it and, indeed, they confirmed the suspicion again. What’s more, They even saw how a high-intensity workout of just 10 minutes can increase happiness hormones in the blood and improve mood.
This high intensity or resistance training is not only limited to HIIT sessions. We talk about resistance when we also talk about sports like runningcycling or swimming.
Its benefits have not only been demonstrated physically, but also on a psychological level. These types of sports improve mental health and helps reduce problems such as depression or anxiety for precisely the same physiological reason: the release of serotonin.
“When the muscles cry, the brain laughs.”“says German doctor and researcher Eckart von Hirschhausen, who explained in an article for the German magazine Stern that “If you run often, new brain cells even grow.”
What sport should you choose then to tone up and, at the same time, be happier? You don’t have to learn new disciplines, because surely all of these sound familiar to you.
Swimming is a low-impact sport but also considered an endurance and strength sport by toning and working all muscle groups. The feeling of being in the water can be very relaxing and pleasant and this releases the famous endorphins.
ride a bike
Both outdoor cycling and on a stationary bike are great options for toning your legs and lower body.
Boxing and martial arts
These disciplines are not only excellent for toning the body through strength and endurance training, but they also offer significant emotional release. Hitting a bag or practicing combat techniques releases tension and encourages the production of endorphins.
Running is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that strengthens leg muscles and improves endurance. It is widely related to the release of endorphins and even has its own name (known as the “runner’s high”).
Dance classes, whatever the style, are fun and energetic. In addition to toning the body, dancing improves coordination and balance, and is also an ideal sport to release endorphins and help lift your spirits.
Although yoga is primarily known for its ability to improve flexibility and relaxation, certain practices, such as dynamic yoga or power yoga, can tone muscles. Additionally, the meditation and concentration practiced in yoga also releases endorphins and helps reduce stress.
Walking through nature is not only a great exercise to tone your legs and core, but it has also been widely shown that contact with the natural environment increases the feeling of well-being. Outdoor activity, along with the release of endorphins, provides an emotional high.
winter sports
Skiing or snowboarding, winter sports, are not only exciting and adrenaline-pumping, but they also tone the legs and core. The fun associated with these sports, along with physical activity, causes a powerful release of endorphins.
strength training
Weight lifting and resistance training not only tone the body, but can also lead to a sense of accomplishment and well-being. Overcoming goals progressively can help improve self-confidence and enhance a positive state of mind.