The Reduction of the working day It seems to be a path of no return that many countries have proposed to move. Some, Like GreeceThey do not do it with a determined step. Instead, others whose self -denial It seemed immovable, they are surprising the world with day reduction measures. China is one of those countries that, unexpectedly, has proposed to cut its workday.
Labor culture 996. While in a large part of the West the eight -hour workday begins to be seen as a vestige of the last century and fights for the reduction of working hours, in China the culture 996 still continues: work from nine in the morning to nine o’clock at night and six days per week.
Such and as they tell In ethic, that pace of work is taking Chinese society to the extreme, pulling on the soils The birth rate in a country that for years has sinned just the opposite. Chinese authorities have been trying for years Eliminate the culture of 996 of the workplace, but Without too much success.
Dji has seriously proposed. According to The published by SCMP, Since the end of February something very curious is happening in DJI, the Chinese drone manufacturer. When the clock marks nine o’clock at night, a squad of human resources managers travels through the brand’s central offices in Shenzhen.
Their mission is to make sure that all employees without exception leave their jobs and go home as if it were a fire drill. Instead of evacuating the building for security, employees are “guests” to leave their cubicles to meet a new rule: no one can work beyond their day.
The fault is “Neijuan”. No, Neijuan It is not the name of the company’s Human Resources Manager. The term could translate to something as “involution” and, as they explain in SCMP, It refers to the need to reduce excess competition in certain areas of the economy.
The measure is imposed as a New economic policy of China in which it is intended to reduce the excess of competence that makes companies in certain sectors such as The technological either Renewable energiesinvest an unnecessary amount of resources without obtaining an improvement in their profitability or in their R&D in return. Therefore, it implies outbound templates without registering a significant advance generating inefficient competition.
It is something unpublished in China. Until recently, it was common to see the offices of DJI illuminated until the early hours of the morning with employees who lengthened their days until infinity.
Now, the image is very different and has impacted many who have commented on social networks. The Asian media highlighted the publication of a worker surprised by the measure that commented “it was the first time they threw me from the office.”
Other technological giants are adding. Although the work culture 996 has the support of prominent names of the Chinese technology industry Like Jack Mamore and more international companies such as Haier or Measure They are adding to the call of the Chinese government of limit the days of its employees.
According to sources of SCMPHaier would have ordered all the staff of his headquarters to respect the breaks of two days of the weekend, while Midea has begun to demand that the workers file their departure at 6:20 p.m., instead of 9 pm.
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Image | Unspash (Duc Dao)