Fire victims in Los Angeles return home to find a desolate panorama

The fires in Los Angeles completely destroyed the homes of thousands of people.

Also They destroyed their belongings, their memories and, sadly, with many of their pets that they could not rescue.

Returning home has made them realize that nothing they lost will return.

Miriam Cotero, Costco worker and two of her children They returned and found their Altadena house in ashes. Nothing was left standing, much less his memories.

The same thing happened with musician Kevin Sandbloom, who inspected what was left of his house and found only a pile of blackened rubble, according to The New York Post.

He regretted losing his music studio, but what weighed most on him was that nothing was left of his young daughter’s works of art.

Joe Grueter and his older children, examining the remains of their home, They found the remains of their bulldog dogMaya.

“The worst call I ever received was from my son. I asked him if I could get Maya back and he said, ‘I can’t, dad, it’s all over.'”

Grueter kept his most valuable items in his Altadena office in Pasadena, including collections of pipes, antique weapons and a meteorite that he had given to his son.

Two of its seven employees lost their homesso you’ll postpone your “seven stages of depression until you have time for that.”

“Right now I have a company to get back on track for my employees and the community, to help them rebuild,” he told the aforementioned media.

Some families stay in hotels, but only for a few days. Afterwards, they don’t know what they will do. The Eaton Fire has burned more than 14,000 acres in northern Los Angeles County, while the Palisades Fire has burned western neighborhoods and was the costliest in California history.

Keep reading:
Fake firefighters arrested in fire zone in Los Angeles.
Who will pay for fire damage?

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