Valencia faces a serious problem with housing. So someone has had an idea: build more height

Tecnocasa recently published A report in which the thermometer to the Spanish real estate market, a theoretical exercise that allowed him to obtain two revealing data: in just one year the demand for housing has grown up on average 39% In Spain while the offer undertook the opposite road, retreating more than 9%. The result is a tensioning market, in which the floors last a few weeks or days (even hours) announced in real estate agencies before finding tenant or buyer.

In Valencia, an idea has emerged to alleviate that problem and reinforce its public housing offer: allow buildings to gain height, a formula with which they calculate that the city could win More than 70,000 floors protected

What happened? That in Valencia has been on the table An idea New to reinforce your housing park. At least the protected housing. A few days ago the Socialists proposed in the City Council of the City Council to retouch the local ordination (PGOU) so that the city buildings grow to the top. Literally. His idea is that the blocks can raise one or two plants their height.

The plan He advanced it The country Wednesday, before the commission; But from the PSPV they recognize that he did not obtain the necessary support, so at least for the moment he will stay in that, an idea about the table to face the housing problem. “The PP has rejected our proposal”, Explain The socialist mayor Elisa was worth.

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What have they raised? “Raise buildings to gain public housing”, summarize The PSPV of Valencia. The idea is simple: modify the PGOU to upload the city blocks one or two levels. The socialist group has already made accounts and calculates that if an extra plant was added to all buildings, 86,644 homes would leave, a large residential park also distributed throughout the municipality.

As part of these constructions are protected by their heritage value or are located in Valencia neighborhoods in which height cannot be gained, the PSPV has retouched that initial figure, but the result remains considerable.

“If we subtract 20% for understanding that in the historical centers and protected buildings you will not be able Explain Valía to The country. That (more than 70,000 new floors) is the figure that PSPV presumed this week in networks, where he claimed that his proposal “would avoid expulsion and uprooting.”

Why such a measure? The PSPV plan is focused on the creation of protected housing (both for rent and sale) in a territory that dealt with the offer shortage and the price increase. In January the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) published A report that helps to understand much better The situation From the capital of Turia: in five years the prices of the new work have triggered about 80% and the offer was reduced by 83%. Things have not been better in the rental market, which became more expensive.

“What we have before us is a tsunami of epic dimensions and all administrations must act in a coordinated, effective and quickly, The director explains of the Chair of the UPV Housing Observatory after remembering the forecasts at the state level. “We estimate that more than 80% of the current demand fits in the public protection house, so the determined commitment to the construction of this type of housing is strategic.”

And how do you want to do it? The PSPV proposal is not entirely new and there are other cities in which they have already been activated similar solutionstaking advantage of the ‘Flight Law’. In Valencia the idea is that it is the communities of owners themselves that can promote the ‘stretch’ up the buildings with one or two extra plants. The resulting floors would be added to the Public Protection Housing Park, which among other things would allow it to extend it to “consolidated neighborhoods”, Valía points out.

The PSPV plan also includes an extra advantage for neighbors communities. In a city with an aged real estate park, in which A notable percentage From the houses it has more than four decades, the communities of neighbors would obtain from the extra buildability some resources that would allow them to modernize their blocks.

Are there more cases? Yes, Valencia is not the only one that has been fixed in that formula. In Barcelona, ​​licenses have been granted to lift floors that increased the buildability of existing buildings. In 2017 it was estimated that in just three years they had benefited from that possibility (the traces) about thirty buildingswith licenses for 120 floors. Madrid too It has varied Over the years the maximum height of its buildings and the Balearic Islands leave another recent example. Palma already added in September 70 requests of buildings to grow in height and add 589 floors of limited price.

Images | Jonny James (UNSPLASH)

In Xataka | The price of housing in Spain is already higher than in the bubble peak. But the data has a small trick

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