The number of young Chinese enrolled in the art schools in Japan has shot. It’s a springboard to stay

For some time to this part Japan has been living A arrivals boom from abroad. We do not talk only about tourists, since a percentage of the people who arrives do it with the bags to stay. In fact, a nation stands out in these statistics. The Chinese are traveling in mass to not return … Read more

While the population of Japan sinks irremediably, Tokyo grows. There is an explanation: Ikkyoku Shūchū

Much of the world has a short and medium term problem, a problem called demography. The fertility rate from various countries It is poor and birth has plummeted in many of them. Asian countries as South Korea, China either Taiwan They suffer this problem, but we cannot talk about demographic winter without mentioning Japan. While … Read more

Japan has encountered a problem with the aging of their growing foreign community: they cannot bury them

Japan and their society have been immersed in a process of transformation where the role of “foreigner” every time It is more important. Waves arrive in the country, and in many cases to stay. The clearest example is giving with many Chinese who They arrive not to returnbut it is exponential to all nations. This … Read more

Donald Trump’s government plans to be even harder with China. His problem is that he needs Netherlands and Japan

The administration led by Joe Biden has approved during his management years several very ambitious China sanctions. The last one entered into force On December 2just a few weeks before Biden and his team leave the White House. These prohibitions are aimed priority to Chinese companies that They design and produce lithography equipment that intervene … Read more

For 15 years a strange circle under an island in Japan was an enigma. The author’s identity was a surprise

If we go to the dictionary to be exact with the term, the verb “courtej” accompanies the following definition: try to get the love or favors of someone flattering him and looking for his company. Therefore, the finding that took place several decades ago was so surprising. Normally, when we talk about courting WE THINK … Read more

A single island houses 70% of the US military bases in Japan. There is a weight reason for not to come out: China

At the end of January, in the Japan islands closest to Taiwan, Many places began to evacuate the area. The action was part of a series of drills that have been intensified in the last two years preparing for “the worst”, understanding this as An armed conflict between China and Taiwan. In fact, the most … Read more

In its pulse with the US, China has restricted key minerals for the Tech industry. Japan fears an impact globally

The commercial war between United States and China It is developing with export controls. While Washington restricts the sending of advanced semiconductors and other avant -garde technologies, Beijing responds by limiting access to strategic resources. However, Japan has not hesitated to warn that the repercussions of this confrontation can go beyond these two powers. Financial … Read more

The US has restored the base of the Pacific that launched atomic bombing on Japan

In December it was learned that the United States had carried out a curious test. In essence, He had shot herself a missile To see if he was able to neutralize it. That rare Avis took place in an “unbalanced territory” of the nation, on the island of Guam. A Pacific Strategic Eat whose geographical … Read more

Japan will copy Venice to stop mass tourism. Two levels of transport price: the tourist pays more

Exactly one week there was a stir for the decision that Venice had adopted to stop mass tourism. It was an update of a measure that took months ago: an entry rate for the tourist, which was now going to duplicate In view of the good results he had given to public coffers. Japan had … Read more

The price of rice has raised so much that Japan has had to make an unprecedented decision: resort to its reservations

Few things reflect to what extent there is a crisis situation that the price of a basic product in the supermarket. In Japan, and in most Asia, Rice is a fundamental pillar of foodsupporting the life of much of the population. However, a combination of factors threatens the essential cereal. In Japan he has never … Read more