Exotic fruit that helps reduce blood cholesterol levels

Unknown by the vast majority, the Black Aroniaalso called Chokeberryit is today one of the fruits with the greatest amount of benefits on the human body.

According to a study conducted by the researcher Yulin Renof the Ohio State Universitytogether with the National Library of Medicine from the United Statesthis small fruit of appearance is capable of achieving a direct impact on the decrease in the level of Blood cholesterol and level sugar in it.

But how can a tiny size berry achieve this series of important results only with its consumption?

The benefits of Black Aronia in health

As revealed in the investigation, this food, from the region of North Americahas a series of important nutrients and benefits as:

  • Low calories
  • Fiber
  • Vitamin c
  • Vitamin K
  • Manganese
  • Iron
  • Vitamin a
  • Vitamin e

To measure the impact of this fruit In the health of a person, the team of researchers had a group of people who took the Black Aronia For 6 weeks in a row.

After the completion of the clinical trial, the scientists noticed that the pressure systolic bloodas well as the Blood cholesterol levels The participants were significantly reduced.

Similarly, and in addition to its benefits to counteract this type of heart diseaseit was also discovered that the consumption of the Black Aronia helped Reduce the glycemia level In the blood.

In addition to all of the above, and thanks to the series of studies carried out, it was also discovered that the Black Aronia Provides important amounts of folic acidin addition to being extremely useful when Improve the digestive process Due to his power anti -inflammatory.

Excess vitamin B3 in processed foods is related to heart disease
Niacin has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol, its impact on the reduction of cardiovascular risk has been lower than expected.
Credit: Redpixel.Pl | Shuttersock

In the same way, it is able to nurture the muscles and support the arthritis prevention.

The Black Aronia It also has other benefits such as:

  • Antiproliferative: It has properties that help reduce the growth of cancer cells.
  • ANTIMUTAGENICA: It houses various nutrients that can contribute to the care of the immune system.

Regarding the form of consumption, it is recommended to eat the fruit in its natural form. Similarly, it can be enjoyed by freshly made milkshakes or juices. However, and like every new food, it is important to consult an expert in nutrition to make the best decision regarding its inclusion in a diet.

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(tagstotranslate) High cholesterol

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