Rural Spain produces more energy than consumes. And in Teruel it is already proposed to take the VAT of the electricity there

In a recent report, the Ember Analysis Agency has demonstrated that the total electric production of Spain is 60.2%. However, the generation and distribution of energy are not equal throughout the country, and in the community of Aragon they know well.

Proposition. The Aragón-teruel parliamentary group exists has registered A proposition of law in the autonomous chamber so that the collection of VAT obtained from the electricity companies is redistributed to compensate for the territories according to their energy production.

The parliamentary spokesman for this training in a press conference, Tomás Guitarte, He explained that this initiative aims to compensate for those areas that produce more electricity than they consume. In his statements he has exposed the case of Aragon, which generates 9% of the country’s energy, but consumes only 4%. However, he added that with the current VAT to 21% and a forecast of 2,000 million euros, he would correspond about 180 million.

Previously. The proposal has a historical basis, since it is inspired by the fee created in 1981, which compensated for the territories sacrificed in the production of electricity before being replaced by VAT in 1986. In addition, the law seeks to promote the well -being and development of The regions that generate energy, not only from the economic point of view, but also with a vision of territorial justice, where environmental and landscape impacts are compensated by the benefits generated by the energy transition.

To Congress. The proposition of the law has been registered in the courts of Aragon and is protected in the Article 292 of the Regulation of the Courts of Aragon and in him Article 87 of the Constitution. This allows the proposal to be raised to the Congress of Deputies, where it would be processed if it exceeds the procedures in the Autonomous Courts. Once approved by the regional government and taken to Plenary, if accepted, it would go to Congress for processing. This proposal does not imply the creation of a new tax, but a redistribution of electric VAT income.

The core of the problem. A couple of months ago, Aragon tried keep their surplusesbut the Constitutional Court stopped him. This situation reflects a broader imbalance which affects many producing communities, whose energy surplus is directed towards other regions of the country, generating tensions about the control and distribution of these resources.

For that reason, there is a distancing between urban and rural areas In energy terms. While cities are provided with more energy and do not have the same installed infrastructure, rural areas have to live with large -scale facilities, thus generating an environmental impact and an imbalance in the territory. For example, Madrid only produces 4.8% of the energy that consumes and depends on territories such as Extremadura that produces an energy surplus of 423%.

The next steps. The proposal is already in the Courts of Aragon and, after its approval by the regional government, it will be taken to the plenary. If approved, it will go to Congress for processing, which could take several months. Meanwhile, Aragon-teruel exists continues to struggle to ensure that energy producing communities receive fair compensation for the sacrifices they make.

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