Freezing food is a way to extend useful life and to improve nutritional quality, as is the case with he bread Being frozen before consuming it can have a positive impact on the intestinal microbiota.
The nutritionist and disseminator of health content, Beatriz González, explains in a video shared on their social networks the benefits that health is freezing.
González begins explaining that it is a good practice. “Are you one of those who freeze bread and are defrosting it as you consume it? Well, I have to tell you that you are feeding in a very healthy way to your intestine bacteria. ”
The nutritionist explains that Freeze bread before consuming it changes its structure, which helps improve intestinal microbiota.

Freezing bread changes the structure of wheat starches

As explainedwheat flour is composed of 80% starch, which when frozen is retrograde, What translates into a change of structure, becoming a luck of fiber that the intestine cannot completely absorb.
Upon reaching the colon, This modified or resistant starch becomes food for intestinal bacteria, manufacturing a compound called the butyrate, A key compound for digestive health.
Butyric is an acid that is generated in the colon when bacteria ferment food fiber, helping intestinal health and protecting colon cellsfavor the balance of the microbiota, regulate inflammation.
To enhance nutritional benefits, the specialist suggests choosing the whole bread, the place of regular white bread.
The combination of fiber that brings the integral bread with foods such as high nutritional value of other foods such as avocado, you can make the big difference, according to the specialist. “If the bread is integral and you accompany it with avocado, olive oil, tomato, hummus, you already make full.”
Other benefits defrosting the bread that the nutritionist stands out is that this practice help reduce food waste.
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