After a few days of peace and tranquility, the situation is complicated by the southwest. At the moment, an isolated cold storm It is heating engines And it will cause Aemet to start activating notices for rains in Cádiz, Malaga, Melilla and the rest of the east/southeast. In a matter of hours.
What is an isolated cold storm? A BFA is, in reality, something very similar to a conventional Dana. It’s about An isolated mass of natural circulationbut what differently differentiates it is that they have a more direct reflection on the surface. It is basically as if they lived (superimposed) an isolated mass at high levels and a storm at low levels.
That shows, above all, in surface winds.
And what will happen? That the atmosphere (which had been very quiet for days in most of the Peninsula) will destabilize rapidly. The effects of Borrasca They will feel in almost the entire peninsula with a generalized decrease in temperatures; But the worst part is going to take Cádiz, part of Huelva, Malaga and, to a lesser extent, the rest of the southeast.
The interesting thing about this BFA, like Sergio Escaama Sanchez explained in meteoredwe are going to see a kind of funnel, which is called “Obluid Front.” This type of phenomena arises when a warm mass is trapped between two cold fronts.
But beyond the technical explanation, the result of all this is a greater virulence.
A few days come. Only tomorrow and in a very short time space, accumulated around 20 liters per square meter on the coast of Huelva, Cádiz and Malaga. In the next few days, the entire penibetic massif The impact of storms will be carried out: According to the accumulated, 60 l/m2 could be exceeded. In 12 hours.
From there, the rains are going to expand throughout the peninsular territory as an oil stain.
Special attention to the winds and the snow level (which can give some surprise in Sierra Nevada) will have to be paid. In total, up to 100 liters per square meter are expected that will come well while the drought Start showing teeth.
Bonus Track: Sunday can follow the party. In these circumstances, the uncertainties are great, but with the current outputs available it would not be uncommon for Sunday to arrive with water load.
Although, as I say, it is still early to ensure it (and to know if this water respite will make a difference).