With artificial intelligence I have the same feeling as with connectivity: Let’s see even in the soup And it doesn’t always make sense. I explain: just as you don’t need to put bluetooth to everything (yes, there is even satisfy), Nor is it necessary that there are automatic learning functions on a device where we are not going to take advantage of it and it is more a matter of advertising claim than anything else.
With this premise, I face the new presentations with some skepticism and put ia on TV was something that servant put in quarantine. However, I have tried the new artificial intelligence of Webos 25 in THE NEW LG TREES FOR 2025 And I have been a pleasant surprise: there are naïve functions, others that can improve the user experience in general and finally I have encountered an unexpected function simply essential and differential.
Enjoy TV is easy, configure it to get the best image quality, already such
If you like cinema and series, have a smart TV with a good diagonal is the starting point, but if you want to enjoy the content of your own, it is to open the wallet and bet on An Oled TV. Why this type of panel? My compi Juan Carlos López can give a master’s degree, but in essence it is for issues such as Color reproduction, black intensity, brightness…
Parameters that are greatly appreciated in general and in some particular titles and chapters, serve as an example The third chapter of the last season of ‘Game of Thrones’too dark to appreciate all its nuances with a regular TV or with a badly tight OLED. But you don’t have to go to a series or blockbuster: even the DTT looks bad If we do not correctly adjust the TV parameters.
Who else who less knows the bases of brightness, contrast, range of colors, etc., but one thing is the theory and another is the practice: I have read a few times our guide on How to calibrate TV to have the best image qualitybut at the moment of truth it choks me and it is hard for me to do it finely. And that I have dedicated time and I have experience with televisions, so when in the LG workshop I saw how they talked to TV to tell him things like ‘The screen looks dark‘ either ‘Get the screen to have more sharpness‘, I stayed with my mouth open.

In a nutshell, the new Magic Remote AI command of LG’s teles has a button to invoke its artificial intelligence and, among other things as content recommendations to see or how time will be today, You can tell hair that you want to improve the image quality of what you are seeing or adjust a specific parameter and IA does it for you, although it has the user’s supervision to confirm the process by being subject to some subjectivity.

For example, telling you to add more sharpness (‘Make The Screen Sharper‘), proposes a couple of alterative explaining how it affects the image in general, although the most interesting is being able to see the three images and compare each other to select the one we like best.

And the thing does not end here: in addition to helping us to have a better image quality, it also serves to adjust the sound parameters, the ugly duckling of the televisions. Thus, either through voice invocation or from the menus it is possible to choose between several proposed settings how we like it, which will result in An optimized custom sound configuration.
Apart from our preferences, LG televisions also apply artificial intelligence to achieve a better image escalation, being able to break down by scene to adjust the effects of HDR and brightness by already acoustic level areas, they can create more sound channels virtual.
Having a high -end television and not getting the whole game because we do not know how to calibrate it is a drama, but the same can be said of those who have more modest televisions: with a good configuration we can squeeze their virtues to the maximum and in this sense Artificial intelligence can be our best ally.
Cover | Eva Rodríguez de Luis
In Xataka | Better televisions in quality Price: which to buy and seven recommended 4K 4K 4K