Gloria Trevi and Karla de la Cuesta are involved in a new dispute. The reason? The singer of “Everyone looks at me” sued the lecturer for the unauthorized exploitation of her image in the book Everything in the light. The criminal case that Mexico left in the dark
According to the Mexican newspaper The Universal, This week the singer’s legal team released a statement in which they reported on the lawsuit filed by the singer before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI).
“It is reported that today, The Mexican Institute of Industrial Property, notified a lawsuit to Karla de la Cuesta, for the unauthorized exploitation of the image of Mrs. Gloria Trevibecause in the book entitled ‘Everything in the Light’, her own image was used, without due authorization and for profit,” the singer’s statement states.
The singer’s lawyers clarified that their intention is not to censor the content of the book, Your claim is about the commercial benefit derived from your image.
“The lawsuit is not making any claim regarding the content of the book, but rather only the unauthorized use of the image of Mrs. Gloria Treviand consequently, any news that seeks to establish an alleged censorship against the book is totally false,” the statement indicates.
Everything in the light. The criminal case that Mexico left in the dark It was published in August 2024 and collects testimony by Karla de la Cuesta, author of the book, and 11 other women about the abuses they suffered during the time they were part of the so-called “Trevi-Andrade Clan”.
Until now, The author has not commented on Gloria Trevi’s lawsuit. He only shared a series of images that evidenced the notification of the extensive document, according to Infobae.
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