Its breakwill fleet and a “nuclear” force

The Arctic, that inhospitable place where from time to time comes to the first place of the newspapers, should be a main actor in the coming years in geopolitical code. Actually, it has long been, because it is very possible that the future of energy is literally floating in its icy waters. That knows more about a nation. For example, Russia has announced its decision to put its flag on the enclave with a floating nuclear plant. And if any nation, call the United States, means something, goes with a lot of delay.

Global warming and competition. The accelerated thaw in the Arctic has turned the region into a growing scenario Competition between global powers. With temperatures that increase four times faster than in the rest of the planet, the melting of ice has opened new maritime routes and facilitated access to strategic resources such as oil, gas and minerals. However, this phenomenon has increased the demand for icebreakerships specialized in opening the way in frozen waters.

Here is a winner by win. Russia has dominated this race for years with a Fleet of dozens of pinkincluding several nuclear propulsion, some armed with cannons. China, although it is not a properly “Arctic” nation, has also increased its presence With four Rompehielos in operation and a latest generation under construction.

And Washington? The United States, in contrast, faces a more than serious disadvantage against Moscow in competition for the domain of the Arctic. The reason? A marked disparity in the quantity and capacity of its breaks. While Russia operates approximately 40 of these “monsters”, including seven heavy polar category and eight propelled by nuclear energy, the United States has Just a heavy break Operational, the Polar Starwith almost 50 years old, and two Rompehielos of medium capacity: the Healy and the Storis (the latter will take operation in Alaska next year).

The equation is clear: without sufficient breakers, the American Navy has limited access to the Arctic only during the summer months, which restricts its ability to deploy military troops and teams in case of conflict, especially affecting Alaska’s defense, where the 11th Airborne Division of the Army is located.

Interests: Strategy and Economics. We said it at the beginning. Beyond territorial defense, access to the Arctic has become key to the Natural Resources Exploitation and the opening of new commercial routes, facilitated by the melting of ice due to climate change. Russia, with its superiority in the region, could consolidate a de facto domain over these resources before the United States, which has generated fears in Washington.

In addition, Donald Trump’s interest in strengthening the American presence in the Arctic is also related to his desire to expand the territory of the countryeven considering economically To Canada and Greenland to annex or submit them to greater influence.


The Russian Nuclear Rompehielos “Taymyr”

American failure. Trump proposed acquire 40 new breaks To close the gap with Russia, but this idea seems unrealistic given the current state of the US naval industry. Currently, Washington barely manages to advance in the construction of three new heavy breaks, a process that has suffered important delays and cost overruns.

From the end of the Cold War, the Arctic ceased to be a priority for the United States, which led to the paralysis of the development of your fleet. Finally and after activating it again, the Polar Security Cutters program, started in 2019, has exceeded its budget by 60%, reaching 5.1 billion dollars, and the delivery of its first ship, the Polar Sentinel, It is not expected before 2030. The construction of Rompehielos has therefore become a kind of “lost art” in the United States, which further aggravates the problem.

Technological differences and Russian power. Here is one of the keys. Rompehielos require reinforced helmets and high -power engines to break through the ice, which implies high energy consumption. Russia has solved this problem with Its nuclear breakwill fleetunique in the world, which allows you to operate in the Arctic without fuel restrictions.

In contrast, the United States lacks this type of nuclear breakwoods, and although China plans to develop one in the future, Washington does not have similar projects in progress.

Russia and China. Russia has maintained a strategic approach in the Arctic due to the importance of the region for its economy, since more than 80% of its natural gas production and 20% of its oil production come from this area. Moscow has promoted the opening of the North Sea route to facilitate the transport of these resources to Asian and European markets, consolidating their influence in the region.

There is more, since despite the sanctions imposed by the West after the invasion of Ukraine, which have made it difficult to obtain key components such as propulsion systems and radar equipment, Moscow Keep expanding its advantage. His new nuclear rosebielos rossiya has suffered three -year delaysbut the country continues to lead in operational experience and territorial control in the Arctic.

In addition, he has found in China A key ally. Beijing, with the largest naval industry in the world, has begun to invest in the construction of Rompehielos Already provide technology to Moscow, which increases your own interest in the polar region. A revealing fact: a Chinese shipyard took only two years to build a recently broken, while the United States has barely started working in its new model, five years after awarding the contract.

Impact on the economy. It is another of the legs to be treated. The Rompehielos deficit also affects the United States economy in other regions, such as The Great Lakes and the North Atlanticwhere the lack of capacity of these vessels has caused economic losses of billions of dollars and the elimination of thousands of jobs. Despite the urgency of modernizing its fleet, the United States faces industrial limitations that make a short -term solution unlikely.

American solutions. Thus, the things and the inability of the US naval industry to produce the required speed, an alternative would be acquire them abroad. Countries such as Canada, Iceland and South Korea have the capacity and experience in the construction of these ships. For example, Canada has commissioned 16 Rompehielos of 8,987 tons to a shipyard in Vancouver for 9.9 billion dollars. In addition, NATO allies have More than a dozen breakfish polar that could support the United States in case of a conflict.

The problem? What to buy Rompehielos abroad in turn presents serious political challenges. The idea of ​​acquiring ships built outside the United States faces a Strong resistance in Congress And in public opinion, especially under the Trump administration, the same one that has imposed Commercial rates to Canada and has expressed those ambitions of “economic annexation” over the country. An obstacle that makes cooperation with allies in the construction of Rompehielos difficult to realize.

Lose influence. Thus, the lack of breaking in the United States not only affects its ability to operate in the Arctic, but also places it in a position of disadvantage against Russia and China at a time when the region becomes increasingly strategic. While Moscow and Beijing consolidate their presence and expand their abilities, Washington is still caught in a slow, expensive and plagued process of political and industrial obstacles.

With a weakened naval construction systemhuge costs and years of delay in new projects, Washington does not have an immediate solution to close the gap with Moscow. Unless drastic measures are taken, such as the purchase of Breakylands abroad or a massive restructuring of its naval industry, Russian supremacy in the Arctic It will continue to growwith serious implications for the security and strategic interests of the nation.

Image | Grid-Aendal

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