It is the first time that OpenAIthe company behind Chatgpt, made a television ad. And for the premiere it has been launched to the most luxurious showcase possible: for 14 million dollars it has rented a space in the intermediate of the Super Bowl, where they can be seen advances in film premieres most important next year and great names and media personalities supporting the best known brands in the world.
Stand out on competition. While big colossi of the Tech industry like Microsoft, Alphabet, Goal, Anthropic (from Amazon) or XAI (from Elon Musk) a relevant position within the panorama of artificial intelligences (and with China are disputed to the race with recent phenomena such as Deepseek), Openai has taken a step forward to stand out in front of its competitors. Its 300 million weekly users have to be noticed, and the Super Bowl is the best platform for the name to sound out of merely technological environments.
The investment war. According to The Wall Street Journalcompanies dedicated to AI spent $ 332 million in ads in 2024, which is more than double what they invested in 2023. It is clear that as the IAS cease to be a niche, the investment must be proportional to its intentions If it becomes known, which explains such notorious (and expensive) movements as Openai.
Some precedents in the Super Bowl. Companies such as Google, Anthropic or Microsoft had already walked through the Super Bowl last year to teach some of their latest advances, although always in the context of advertisements of other products, where AI is an addition. For example, Google talked about Guided Framean assistant for AI who helps users from their Pixel cameras with vision problems to take photos. Microsoft talked about his co -pilot. And Anthropic was limited to a brief five -second message: “Claude is a next -generation AI assistant”
But … what is the ad? A spot of just a minute, produced in collaboration with the Accenture Song and Drug5 agencies, makes the ambitious decision to summarize the history of information and how humans have been linked. The spot is entitled ‘The age of intelligence’ and has a very unique aesthetic: two points connecting to animations with the use of tens of these points creating complex images. Of course, this evolution in complexity culminates with voices in multiple languages interacting with chatgpt. You can see the full announcement in Adweek.
A name behind everything. Behind this launch is Kate Rouch, OpenAi’s Marketing Chief, and who had developed very aggressive sales strategies on the global coinbase cryptocurrency exchange platform: for example, an announcement also in the Super Bowl that won some notoriety for its use of a QR code on the screen. According to Rouch told The Vergethis new OpenAi announcement “is a celebration of human creativity and an extension” of it. Therefore, significantly, the announcement has been made (except in very initial phases of spot production) without the participation of any type of AI.
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