To Toledo farmers who are dedicated to the cultivation of olive there are something that these days worry so much or more than the drift of oil pricethe threat of hail and The drought either The pests: Portable toilets. And the reason is simple. Not having them has already translated into sanctioning files In the fields of the province, according to complaint Union of Unions of Castilla-La Mancha.
“It is the drop that fills the glass”, regrets The union.
Where is the restroom? The case denounced it on its website On January 16, the Union of Unions of Castilla-La Mancha and since then has jumped to Regional media and of the rest of the country. Basically and always according to the version of the union, recently, in full campaign of the olive, Some farmers Toledos found sanctioning files for not having toilets in their olive groves.
“These days inspections are taking place during the olive campaign in the province of Toledo. Although it may seem incredible, some of the reasons for sanction are the absence of services to shit and piss in the field.”
@encarnitamoramarin ♬ Original sound – Encarnita Mora Marin
A ‘Caro’ mistake. In Your statement The Agrarian Union does not contribute many more details of what happened, beyond the reference to Toledo and denounce that the sanctions started from two work officials. During An interview With 20 minutes, Anastasio Yébenes, part of the union executive, provides some more clues and details that the episode occurred in the region of The Sacred.
“There were two inspectors and when there were no public toilets in the countryside, they were opened sanctioning files,” He recounts. The problem is that these minutes are more than a call for attention to the owners of the fields. “They can carry large fines of more than 2,000 euros.”
Furious complaint. That did not like union farmers. Nothing. In fact they launched A furious statement. “The situation exceeds absurd censorship The organization, which acknowledges not understanding how during the inspections one of the reasons for sanction was “the absence of services to shit and piss in the field.”
“What the Labor Inspection asks is something like demanding to the brigade that fixes the high voltage line that carries a service or the high mountain group of the Civil Guard or the Seprona that in each and every one of its Outputs transport a mobile bath. They regretwithout hiding their anger: “The farmers have come to the conclusion that both the inspectors and the Civil Guard carry diapers.”
@Pedropintoelloco Shit on squats is very good for colon cancer, you can better clean the rectum and maintain balance
“Is it hygienic?” Yébenes goes further and questions the bottom of the demand. “They talk about environmental issues, but do you think it is hygienic ! Underline.
“The law says that any workplace has to have bathrooms, and of course they must have them, but the problem is what we understand by work center. If we apply that rule to Rajatabla, a traveler, a patrol of the civil guard or the own Inspectors who came to open the files would also have to wear a portable bath in the car, “he reflects on statements to 20 minutes.
With the WC in tow. The spokesman remembers that it is not strange to meet toilets in agricultural farms, but they are not in the field, among the olive trees. They are located in “Warehouses or ships where machinery is saved”, Razon Yébenes Before clarifying that within the sector there are very different facilities: little has to do for example a greenhouse where the worker barely moves a few meters that an olive grove of 50 hectares, he argues. “By God! How do you do it? If one day you work in one hectare, then in another … Do you take the toilet by car?”
Adding (more) pressure. The agrarian union also recalls that the episode of the toilets arrives at a particularly delicate time for the sector, which last year He starred Several tractors To claim “Just prices”the review of the common agrarian policy or an improvement of its conditions. The union itself cried out recently for “Speculation” which detects specifically around the price of oil and directly affects farmers.
“If we join this new mess to the unjustified drop in the price of oil, speculation, the increase in production costs, bad weather and juggling games to meet the environmental and bureaucratic regulations of the new PAC, the desperate situation is understood of the olive and agricultural sector “.
How did the case end? The union statement ended up begging for labor inspection that “Reconcited” and insisted that inspections such as Toledo’s, “in addition to ridiculous are generating uneasiness and animosity.”
The petition seems to have had an effect. At least so believes yébenes, which assures that your complaint has reached the ministry and speaks of a “specific case.” “Common sense has been imposed and have paralyzed. The files are going to archive.”
Images | Grand Teton (Flickr) and Junta de Andalucía