Let’s tell you How to take advantage of free telegram storage which offers you when you write a message to yourself. Because in these messages you can upload files, write notes and do many things, being practically a hard drive in the cloud.
However, we must also take into account Some very serious deficiencies in privacysomething we are going to start talking so that you are aware of it. And then, once let’s do it, we will give you the advice to squeeze this storage to the maximum.
As a cloud your privacy is poor
If you intend to use messages with yourself as a personal cloud to store files and notes, the first thing you should know is that Telegram privacy is quite poor. At least, the privacy of normal messages, including those that you send to you, is not as good as that of the other messaging applications.
Telegram has no end -to -end encryption by default as as WhatsApp and other applications. The only way to have this protection of the messages is to use the secret chats, but these do not serve to make a cloud because you only see them in the app where you start them.
All messages you write on Telegram are stored on application servers. And as by default you do not have this type of encryption that hides the content of the messages so that only the issuer and receiver see it, Telegram has access to content In the event that I saw it appropriate.
Telegram default encryption is customer-server, which means they travel protected to application servers. But once there they are no longer encrypted, and as owners of the servers on Telegram you can read them in the event that you want to do it.
This does not mean that there is a person on Telegram who is dedicated to looking at all your messages, but in the event that for some reason the company is interested in sniffing in your profile, it will be able to read them without problems. This makes the messaging app Be one of the least private alternatives What do you have, for what It is not advisable to save sensitive information Nor staff.
Telegram limits to save files

Telegram has no total space limits To save your files. This means that you can upload virtually everything you want in the stored messages that are yourself or. This opens the door to upload images, videos and all kinds of multimedia files.
The only limit is the maximum size of each file What do you want to go up or send. In this case, if the account is free you can only send files that occupy up to 2 GB. On the other hand, in the event that you are a Premium Telegram user the limit rises to 4 GB.
Tips to make the most of storage
Let’s give you four tips to Improve the way you use storage You have available on Telegram. So you can take advantage of you making the content more accessible, having it more organized, and even going beyond self -arrestoms.
Find content by type

In both messages with yourself and in groups or any other chat, when you press in the name of the chat above you will go to a kind of summary. In it, you have Various content type tabswhere you can easily locate the files you have uploaded.
You will be able to find multimedia, such as photos and videos. There is also a file tab, which are those of another type you have added, and you also have tabs for links or gifs. This is always the first step to find the content that stores on Telegram.
Sets the most important content

When you hold a message or file shared on Telegram, in the menu that opens You have the option of Set. You can set several messages, and then at the top of the chat an indicator of set messages will appear.
Here, every time you press in the set of sets fixed you will go directly to him, even if you have written a lot along the way. That will make when you want to save something important You can go quickly to the message or content. You can also set several messages, and as you are clicking on the fixed locator you will alternate between them.
Label the content you upload

This application allows you to label any messageor any file that goes up to a chat inside a message. For label your telegram messageskeep your finger clip on each one, and when you select it you can appear a menu of tags with emojis.
To each of these labels you can name it, and you can add the same label to several messages. Then, When you press on the search button From a chat, you will see that you have the option of finding labels. You will see the ones you have created in this chat, and you can navigate the messages of each of them.
Create groups where you are only

Finally, you don’t have to limit yourself to self -disputed messages to organize things on Telegram. You can also create groups where you are onlyand each of these groups give it a name. Thus, you will have different thematic containers organized with different names.
For example, you can create a group just with you and call it documents, or call it photos. Thus, you will know that everything you upload in it is documents or photos. You can also create a group and add another person As if it were a shared document To add things like the purchase list.
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