12 hours a day and five days a week in the office

The co -founder of Google, Serguéi Brin, has made clear its position on the work culture that workers should adopt so that the company that founded does not lose the AI ​​development career: employees must work a minimum of 60 hours per week and forget about teleworking, as collected in an internal memorandum to which It has had access The New York Times.

Brin Pisa the accelerator. According to what was published by the American newspaper, Serguéi Brin mentioned that Google’s current labor policy falls short for the expectations of development of AI. “I recommend being in the office at least every day of the week. 60 hours a week is the optimum productivity point,” Brin wrote to employees who work in the development of Gemini and others Google AI products.

That leaves a working schedule 12 hours a day during the five days of the week, showing its preference for face -to -face From the office to do it. “Many people work less than 60 hours and a small amount makes the minimum to survive. This last group is not only unproductive, but can also be very demoralizing for everyone else,” Brin said in his statement to the template.

Risk of being behind. The reason for this request from the founder of Google is that, in his opinion, “the competition has accelerated greatly and the final race towards the AGI (General Artificial Intelligence) It is underway. “I think we have all the ingredients to win this career, but we will have to intensify our efforts,” the founder wrote in his message to the template of AI.

It is not the only company that has accelerated the step in the development of AI demanding more hours of work and greater commitment to its employees. Amazon did it a few months ago when he ordered the return to the offices of his employees from January 2025.

More hours, it is no more productivity. If the experiments performed worldwide have served anything about the four -day work week It has been to demonstrate that extended days can increase Risks of exhaustion and errorswithout increasing productivity.

However, Brin argues that, in critical stages of technical development, this rhythm allows exponential advances, although he acknowledges that working more hours is inefficient if better tools are not used. Specifically those that they have manufactured. “The most efficient programmers and scientists in the world are using our own AI,” Brin added.

A strategic return. Serguéi Brin founded Google with Larry Page, but both managers They have yielded the reins of the company more than a decade ago. In 2023, after the presentation of Chatgpt, Brin returned to the front line with a more active role to reinforce the company’s leadership in the artificial intelligence career.

Brin’s proposal goes in the line of hardening of the working day that Google has been applying since 2023.

First a office policy For employees with teleworking, moving to a three -day hybrid model of face -to -face. Now, employees dedicated to the development of products with AI, see how their founder takes a twist more proposing that they spend 12 hours a day and five days a week in their offices. Some employees see Brin’s position Like a setback to the “World” culture of Google’s first years.

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Image | Flickr (Ted Conference, Thomas Hawk)

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