Sandra Echeverríaactress known for his participation in productions such as “Savages” and “Route Change”, He surprised to reveal that he is currently going through a complicated legal process in the United States against a citizen who used to be his neighbor in California.
In a video direction published from his Tik Tok account, the star of the big screen told the details of the situation that has been going through several weeks, arguing that he decided to take the case to the legal route due to damages that the defendant made on his property.
“I am a little nervous because I am about to connect with a judge and with a former Los Angeles. This man flooded my department, just a few days before selling it, it was several months ago, but he did not want to be responsible“He said through the audiovisual.
Leonardo de Lozanne’s wife said that the only thing he is looking for is to do justice and that the damages caused are compensated: “I had to put demand to fight to recover the expenses I made for repairs, which were many,” he said.
To finish her message to the public, Sandra Echeverría acknowledged that although the process has been exhausting at the physical and emotional level, for her it is very important to stay faithful to herself and her belief of not allowing injustices.
“Do not be left, because then there are no consequences. One cannot be paying for the errors of others, and yes, the demand is a laziness, it is a laziness to fight; It causes you a lot of anxiety and everything, but I have always been a justice. I like to fight for justice and sometimes you have to get into these rolls. Dispose of luck, and nothing, that is fair and the right thing“He sentenced bluntly.
As a result of this message, the famous became the target of support comments by its digital community: “Exactly, you can’t pay for the mistakes of others”, “Agree, being good is not meaning of being silly,” “Hopefully everything is resolved in your favor,” “You are right, I hope they make you justice” And “well said, it is your heritage and you have to take care of it”They are some of them.
Continue reading:
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(Tagstotranslate) Sandra Echeverr \ U00eda