It turns out that in Spain there was a company dedicated to spy software and has closed after declaring in bankruptcy

In Spain we can boast many things, but having known companies globally for the development of spy softwareNo. Although Barcelona is becoming An unexpected Startup Hub related to this sectorthe reality is that we do not have a great NSO GroupFor example. The closest thing was an unknown company called Mollitiam Industries.

We talked in the past because it has broken.

Where does Mollitiam Industries come from. According to The recordsthe company was founded in 2018 and its headquarters was in Toledo. As pray Your websiteactive at the time of writing these lines, was specialized in “offering a deep tracking capacity in highly specialized and complementary areas”, such as the “interception and surveillance of communications”, for “through invisible capabilities of capture, management and security active data in the context of cyberspace and encrypted telecommunications “, allow” those responsible for decision making identify, anticipate, degrade or neutralize possible attacks of connected objectives. “

In other words, he was specialized in cyberinteligence and espionage software. In Your LinkedIn profileThe company states to have “real experience in cyber operations, in coordination with state bodies and security forces. From planning and support to intelligence execution and production.”

What happened. Which was declared in bankruptcy on January 23. This is reflected in public records and has transcended the media through the specialized magazine Online intelligence (via Techcrunch). The reasons are unknown, but the magazine argues that it has been due to economic problems. Techcrunch also feeds that it may be due to lack of international attention as it is a Spanish company since it has not been involved in too many controversial cases.

From Xataka we have tried to contact the company through its networks (the web form gives error) and a phone that appears on its Google Maps card, but we have not received an answer in any of the cases.

What has you participated in. Regarding Spain, Mollitian Industries has achieved three public contracts:

  • In 2020a contract less than 14,950 to facilitate the Civil Guard a “social media monitoring tool.”
  • In 2022worth 250,000 euros, a tender for the “acquisition of a remote monitoring system of mobile terminal communications to provide the Central Operational Unit of the Judicial Police Headquarters of the Civil Guard.”
  • In 2023worth 330,578.51 euros, a tender for the “supply of a mobile device management platform to provide the Civil Guard units.”

In the international arena, Mollitian Industries was a name sounded in Colombia. In 2020, Week magazine He reported that his journalists were being monitored by Colombian intelligence services through software called “Invisible Man” and “Night Crawler.” These spywares were able to access the archives, location, microphone and camera of the infected terminals, and even record the key pulsations.

Week published images of a contract between the National Army of Colombia and Mollitian Industries. Apparently, the local army had paid 3,000 million pesos, around 860,000 euros to the current change, for accessing these software.

The latest. The most recent information about this company is the report Adversarial threat report Meta, dated at the end of 2023. In said report, Meta warned of eight Spyware companies focused on iOS, Android and Windows. Those eight companies were Cy4gate/Elt Group, RCS Labs, IPS Intelligence, Veriston IT, Tuel IT, Protect Electronic Systems, Negg Group and the Spanish Mollitiam Industries. In this report, Meta said the following:

“(…) We have eliminated a network of accounts on Facebook and Instagram linked to a Spanish company, Mollitiam Industries, which announces a data collection and spyware service aimed at Windows, Macos and Android. Mollitiam Industries and its customers handled accounts false they used to test malicious capabilities between their own accounts and scrape public information. IP registration links to track the IP addresses of their objectives. .

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