In the same way that it is convenient to wait for the right time to request a salarythe job search also has its “sweet point” at a certain moment of the year in which the options of Find a new job They increase.
As Beatriz Gómez, a specialist in Human Resources, in a hung video In your Tiktok profileMarch is the more conducive month to find a job due to the specific situation in the internal processes of companies.
Choose the perfect moment
According to HR expert, the month of March is the key moment for those who wish to find a new job. This is because, after Christmas holidays, companies spend the months of January and February in internal organization processes and Fiscal year closure.
During those first months of the year, companies approve the annual budgets they have been preparing during the final months of the year. In these budgets the growth strategies of the companies are established, so Green light is given to new vacancies to cover the expansion objectives of the selected departments.
Similarly, during the first weeks of the year, companies close their budgets for new projects and orders, so it is more likely to open new personnel selection processes for cover employment vacancies and reinforce the template during these first months of the year.
Review templates
Gómez points out that, in addition, between January and February the Performance assessments of all its employees. That leaves the door open to new additions to replace those employees who have not met the marked objectives.
On the other hand, many employees decide take the new year To start a new stage in your work career, so the Hiring activity intensifies during the first quarter of the year.
In parallel to the performance assessments of the entire template, the salary increaseswhich are one of the main reasons for job dissatisfaction. “A lot of talent does not agree with that increase and end up leaving,” the number of vacancies increasing during this period.
This hiring pattern at the beginning of the year is not something new, but It is repeated cyclically every year. Gómez explains that fluctuations in work teams and in the need for personnel are part of the natural flow of companies.
The data is right
This “sweet point” for job search has its reflection in the official employment data that the INE collects in the Active Population Survey.

Leaving aside the annual trends, there is a constant that is repeated year after year: the employment figures recorded during the first quarter of the year are always better than those of the fourth quarter of the previous year and, in many cases, than those of the second quarter of the same year.
Unfortunately, You can’t always choose When to look for a new jobbut if you have been active job search for a few months, March can be a very conducive month to find the job opportunity you were waiting for, given the “need for new additions and job opportunities,” Gomez said in his video.
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Image | Unspash (TIM MOSSHOLDER)