For a good part of the twentieth century, storms in the Borbonne Valley were terrible. In 1970, the river overflowed, flooded La Vega and blocked the daily life of the region for weeks. Throughout that decade, The creation of a reservoir began, the Alcorlowhich forced evacuate locations and placed its spillway a few 700 meters from the town of San Andrés del Congosto.
Since the dam was closed in 1979, I had never had to take a water to avoid overflow. Until today.
What happened in the center of Spain? Although most of the attention has been taken the south, Jana has watered (and much) The entire area of the central system. So much so that, during the weekend, numerous municipalities of the Henares Corridor and La Alcarria have received notices from 112 due to the possibility that the Tajo Hydrographic Conference will land a whole series of swamps from the provinces surrounding the central system.
Pálmatos, Beleña and La Tajera They have already been relieved Water over the weekend and three others were about to do so. Among them, Alcorlo’s because, as he said, throughout his history, he had never had to release water before.
Nervousness in the Alcarria. The mayor of San Andrés has been expressing her concern all weekend. And, although he acknowledges that the town has never come to flood (“never in its history is aware of any event of this type“),” It looks like a small sea. We had never seen it that way and it impresses see it “, The Gil Consul said in the Digital of Castilla – La Mancha. I also recognized feeling “Chills and fear” for the impact that the flood can have in the municipality.
It was not disenchanted because, in the last hours, about 50 people have moved to avoid risks.
The domino effect. However, the main problem will not be given in the headwaters of the rivers where these reservoirs are: The problem is downstream. The Castilla Operational Control Center – La Mancha has warned that all that unpacked water will go on the Alberche River. The province of Guadalajara and, by exemption, the entire main branch of the Tagus is preparing for that water coup (that a channel as mistreated as this will thank).
And it’s not something isolated. As Álvaro Oliver explained“On just 8 days of March, in the port of Navacerrada it has rained/snowy which usually falls in the 3 months of spring. In 8 days what usually falls in 90 days. 13 times more than usual in the first week of March.” It is raining a lot. It is raining more than some sites can manage comfortably.
Mission: Take advantage of each drop of water. A key factor that makes all this special rain is that it comes from Atlantic storms. That is, it normally drains into the areas where we have the reservoirs and that allows us to take advantage of it much more than we can take advantage of the water from the danas.
So now we return to the start box: What do we do with all this water? How do we prepare for a summer that, if it fits the trend, will return the ghost of the drought? And again, we return to one of the key problems of our country: that We still don’t order Water resources in a responsible way and with a view to the future.