They fired 5% of their workforce and some will never work again for them

Goal has been plunged into an intense personnel restructuring in what Mark Zuckerberg called “the year of efficiency.” According to published Techspotit is estimated that, since 2020, Meta has fired about 35,600 employees.

The last ponytail of that restructuring of its template was given only a few days ago when Mark Zuckerberg announced that he was going to dismiss 5% of your workforce current, while It opened new vacancies For profiles of development for your AI. Many of the meta -employed could return to work for the company in these new positions, but A filtration of Business Insider He has revealed the existence of a “blacklist” of employees who will never step on a goal again.

Keep back. One of the goal engineers fired in the 2022 round, observed a pattern when he tried to run for more than 20 vacancies in the finish line during all 2023. The hiring managers showed interest in hire him for his skillsbut when the first stage of the selection process began, the recruiters ruled out. When asking a hiring manager, he told him that from the hiring team they had forbidden him to do so as he considered it “not eligible for rectation.”

“That was the first time I had a real indication that I was in some type of list,” said the engineer to Business Insider. Up to five former employees confirmed the investigations of the American environment.

Reasons not to hire you. There are various reasons more than founded by which a company would include a laid out on a blacklist so as not to hire him again: to have a Inappropriate behavior, Filter confidential data of the company or have Low performance Continuously, they could be some of the reasons why these workers receive the “not eligible for rectation” label.

A target spokesman pointed out that “there are clear criteria to determine when someone is considered not eligible for rectation, which apply to all employees that go, and there are controls and counterweights in the process so that a single manager cannot unilaterally consider someone not eligible without support.”

“By saying goodbye, we determine the reason for the employee’s departure (breach of policies, dismissal for performance, voluntary resignation, etc.) and that, together with the last performance rating, determines whether an employee is eligible for recontraction,” explained the target spokesman to the US environment.

Business Insider He has not been able to confirm the physical existence of that black list of hiring, but in the review of the internal communications of Meta they were found with the systematic refusal of different hiring responsible for trying to re -have recontract certain former employees.

Limit to hire the best. While it is true that these lists are not illegal, the experts consulted by the news portal assured that it is not usual among the great technological ones that are permanently fighting for hire the best talent.

In statements to TechspotLazlo Bock, Google personnel operations director for more than a decade, said it was “incredibly unusual. It is very, very rare. In fact, I have never heard of a company that has a designation of ‘not to recontract’ for former employees, because if an employee had a good performance, it is preferable to hire someone who already knows the company and its culture than another person.”

Back to goal. After the latest goal layoffs, that the company attributed to low performance Having hardened his criteria, some former employees of the Mark Zuckerberg company wondered why they show up for a job offer in the company that fired you.

The engineer who discovered the blackloca of the finish line assured to I had a weight of weight: “It is the worst company I have worked on. But it is also the one that best pays. If I could stay there for a couple of years and earn a lot of money, I would do it.”

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Image | Wikimedia Commons (Nokia621), Unspash (Sigmund)

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