The most unknown language in Spain is in danger. The 500 gypsies who speak it just want them to leave them alone

Next to Spanish, officially and According to the Ministry of Educationthe co -official languages ​​of the CCAA in Spain are four. Namely: Catalan, Valencian, Basque and Galician. What happens is that behind these four officially through the different statutes of autonomy, they arise hundreds of languages that They attest to wealth and culture from all over the country. And of all of them, a serious danger. That is known, only a few hundred people distributed between Spain and France use it, and just want to go unnoticed.

A heritage in danger of extinction. While languages ​​such as Basque, Catalan or Galician have managed to consolidate and protect themselves within the Spanish regional framework, there is one that, despite its deep cultural value, is on the verge of disappearing: The erromintxela.

Spoken for just under 500 people in Spain And a similar amount in France, this pogadolelect is a Mix between Basque and Romaníreflex of a historical coexistence between Basques and gypsies that dates back more than 600 years. However, his future is uncertain, since he does not have any institutional protection and his speakers, mostly elderly, are losing him in favor of Basque and Spanish.

Origins: Gypsies and Basques. Erromintxela arose from of contact between gypsieswho emigrated from northern India 1,500 years ago, and the Basquesthat already inhabited the territory where the former settled in the fifteenth century. In search of refuge, the gypsies found in the geography of the Basque Country a safe place to hide from the constant persecution to which they were subjected in Europe. However, the prolonged contact between the two peoples generated A cultural and linguistic exchange that gave rise to this particular way of speaking.

In this regard, Oscar Vizarraga, spokesman for the gypsy association Kale Dor Kayikothat both Sanskrit and Basque Declinations system and certain suffixes. In other words: this language is not simply a fusion of vocabulary, but a tangible proof of a deep miscegenation between two communities that, at first glance, seemed to have nothing in common.

A miscegenation that altered the gypsy structure. Beyond the language, coexistence with Basque culture caused Changes in social structures of the gypsies of the region. For example, while most Romanis groups have maintained a patriarchal system, in the Basque Country more matriarchal models have been developed, where maternal lineage has a predominant weight, something unusual in any other gypsy community.

In addition, many Basque gypsy families have Basque surnames and have adopted local cultural traditions, such as THE FOUND OF BALDEREROS In San Sebastián, where gypsy iconography has a leading role.

Threat of extinction and institutional disinterest. The problem of this language is that despite its uniqueness, Erromintxela has been historically ignored by institutions. In the 90s, The Kale Dor Kayiko Associationtogether with the University of the Basque Country and Euskaltzaindia, made The first formal investigation on the same in Bizkaia, Álava and Gipuzkoa. Although the study confirmed its existence, the funds were never given to expand it, leaving many unresolved unknowns.

They want them to leave them alone. Not just that. One of the greatest obstacles to documentation and conservation is The reluctance of their own speakers to be studied, analyzed or even interviewed. For the gypsy community that uses it, the erromyntxela is A simple means of communication Or everyday tool, not a valuable linguistic heritage worth preservation. Many prefer to stay away from public care, either by distrust of institutions or simply because they have never seen their language as something worthy of being protected, which complicates efforts for revitalization.

This attitude, added to the Lack of conservation policiesit has accelerated its disappearance. The imposition of Basque in education and the growing influence of Spanish have displaced the Erromintxela, leaving new generations without interest in learning it. In fact, Vizaraga warned that, if not taking measures soon, this language “as Basque as gypsy” It will lose irremediably.

A call to action. Thus, today the erromyntxela does not have any type of Official recognition. His disappearance would mean not only of a language, but of a unique historical testimony about the interaction between gypsies and Basques. Vizarga insists on the urgency of continuing research and exploring other regions, such as Navarra and Iparralde, where speakers could still be found.

The Philological Community and Cultural Heritage Experts also warn that, if no measures are now taken, Erromintxela could be extinguished in a matter of yearstaking centuries of shared history. From Kale Dor Kayiko, financing has been requested to develop educational programs and conservation initiatives, but so far, institutions have shown disinterest, although A recent documentary About its history it seems to have given some air to the fight to maintain it.

The possible disappearance. He Erromintxela It is not just an in danger of extinction. If you want also, it is the living footprint of that cultural miscegenation that has survived for centuries. His disappearance, no doubt, would be an irreparable loss for the linguistic diversity of Spain and for the historical memory of the gypsy and Basque peoples.

As experts indicate, if immediate actions are not taken for their protection, it will be relegated to oblivion, disappearing in the silence of those who, due to ignorance or indifference, did not know how to assess its importance.

Image | Jorge Fraganillo

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