The Russo do not succeed since they left Marvel

It’s the movie More face in Netflix’s storywith 320 million dollars of budget, and also one of which worse criticism is receiving. It is accused of being anodine, slow and not very bright in the visual, which is a surprise coming from the Russo brothers, signatories of the acclaimed ‘Infinity War’ and ‘Endgame’ of Marvel. Or is it not so weird? Why are the Russo not able to find a safe space outside Disney’s umbrella?

Devastating criticism. At the time of writing these lines, ‘Electric State’ has 19% of critics in Rotten Tomatoes (11% if we only consider critics that the web grants more credibility). Its public note is somewhat higher, 69%, motivated halfway by two expected phenomena: the established anti-critical reaction and pro-marvel activism (a comparable phenomenon happened with ‘Rebel Moon‘by Zack Snyder). Everything indicates that it will be far from a very brilliant score, rhyming with criticism impressions as “320 million waste“,”Complete supplication” and “destruction of the previous work

But … is it so bad? Leaving aside its absolute waste of the superb book by Simon Stålenhag, banalizing the careful atmosphere that its author raised and turning a contemplative retrofuturist drama into an action comedy to use, one of the main problems of ‘electrical state’ is that its 320 million dollars do not wear at all. Despite its distribution of stars, despite its competent special effects, there is no show, there is no slightest sense of wonder, there is only one script illustrated competently, but without great displays. It amazes that it is such a expensive movie.

Russo: guilty. And that can be attributed, of course, the Netflix equalizing roller, which makes all films the same as they force their directors, among other things, To use the same cameras. Also to Netflix’s obsession for imitating Disney in an area that is given especially to the mouse house: make films filling Excel leaves. Here the cast seems the solution of a mathematical equation, rather than an acting squad: the first great star of the Netflix generation, plus the funny officer – but harmless – of the cinema mainstream Current, plus a campus of dubbing voices and prestigious secondary actors/fame/recent awards. The result is as bright as hollow.

Bad luck out of Marvel. The bad luck that the Russo have had outside Marvel is well documented. The brother’s producer started with good fortune after ‘Endgame’ producing a success for Netflix, ‘Tyler Rake’ -the only one they have had outside Disney along with the also medium imopact of ‘The invisible agent’-. But after that, ‘Citadel‘In Prime Video was the most expensive series in history and a disaster of audiences, which undoubtedly reverberates with disturbing echoes in’ electric state ‘. The return of the Russo to Marvel, a little with the tail between the legs, To make the next Avengers filmscertifies the irregular of his adventure out of Disney.

Why so much stumbling. Behind this rosary of disappointments is, among other things, the absolute lack of creative ambition of the Russo, who had been demonstrating since Marvel’s time: his films are ambitious and effective products conceived in a millimeter way in offices, not author works. From that point of view, movies like ‘Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of madness‘,’ Iron Man 3 ‘O’Galaxy Guardians‘They will have their most and less in terms of quality, but there are personalities defined behind them, imposing a series of decisions and criteria. Until again, we still have to find that in the Russo films.

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