Galicia takes time faced disputes for the development of wind energy. In fact, the Galician government offered the energy produced at half price to try to mediate with the neighborhood community. However, this measure has failed to resolve legal conflicts, which has led the sector to take a desperate measure.
No more wind. The sector He has faced A break due to controversial judicial decisions, in which more than 60 wind projects are paralyzed. A recent regulation approved by the Xunta, the Natural Resources Lawforces promoters to sell 50% of energy to local companies and to repower the oldest wind farms (more than 25 years).
Obstacles in wind. On the one hand, the Superior Court of Xustiza de Galicia (TSXG) has annulled multiple projects for alleged deficiencies in environmental impact studies, applying a more strict criterion than that of other Spanish courts. On the other hand, social resistance has grown, with neighbors and environmentalists denouncing the negative effects of wind farms on the landscape, biodiversity and the quality of communities life. Besides, They have argued that wind development in Galicia is being carried out without adequate planning and without guaranteeing sufficient protection to ecosystems.
For its part, and as well They have criticized other communities With greater installed capacity, they have denounced that the Galician community is treated as a “sacrifice zone” to supply other regions without receiving proportional benefits.
Sos’s call. The publication of the Law 5/2024 in the Official State Gazettewhich modifies Law 8/2009 on Wind Regulation, has introduced additional measures to help the sector. This law includes the creation of windy renewable acceleration areas, where the environmental impact would be lower and the processing of projects would be carried out more quickly. In turn, the wind canon has been modified to adjust it to the new parks models, which could impact both taxation and benefits for local communities. However, this change has been criticized by various wind bosses, such as AELEC, AEE and APPA, who consider That the regulations distort the market and affect competitiveness.
Despite having optimal conditions for wind installation, Galicia has to solve concerns about environmental impact and neighborhood opposition. Looking ahead, it will be necessary to find a balance to continue developing renewable infrastructure.
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