Best known by Your high speed trains Able to reach 450 km/h, the Chinese state company CRRC Corporation He just hit the table in a very different industry: that of marine wind turbines.
A new scale for offshore wind. CRRC has launched the larger floating wind turbine in the world. Known as Qihang, it has a tower of 151 meters high and a rotor 260 meters in diameter, 11 more than the crystal tower, the tallest building in Spain.
Qihang opens a new scale for marine wind energy in which only China competes against China. With 20 MW capacity, it exceeds 16.6 floating wind turbines and 18 MW that Envision Energy and Dongfang Electric deployed, respectively, in 2024. However, it will soon be surpassed by Mingyang Wind Power’s new 22 MW model.
Touring like a high -speed train. With a maximum rotation speed similar to that of CRRC trains, the Qihang wind turbine can produce up to 62 GWh of energy per year, enough to supply electricity to 37,000 homes per turbine.
Its design is a work of art of modular architecture. It allows multiple power settings, and adapts to different floating platforms and anchors. With materials capable of supporting extreme conditions, including typhoons, it has more than 200 sensors in blades, structures, transmission systems, floats and moorings for comprehensive monitoring.
First unit in tests. The first Qihang He left the CRRC factory In Sheyang (Jiangsu province) on October 10. He arrived in Dongying (Shandong province) in December and was transferred to the test site in the port of Guangli using self -propelled modular barges.
On January 11, already completely assembled, it began to operate in what will be a period of exhaustive tests and certifications before its definitive to the high seas and its connection to the electricity grid.
The country that surpassed Europe at sea. With unstoppable development, China already exceeded the United Kingdom as the country with the highest installation of marine wind energy in the world, and this type of huge floating turbines only reinforce its global leadership.
Only Chinese companies are developing turbines with powers greater than 20 MW for the logistics difficulties they entail In regions like Europe. Floating technology can expand the generation of wind energy to deeper and more distant waters from the coast, accelerating the decarbonization of the electric grid without impacting the landscape of the coast.