Byd has already placed solid state batteries in their electric cars: we have good and bad news

Byd has already placed solid state batteries in their electric cars: we have good and bad news

If there is a technology that has been playing for years in the world of electric cars, that is that of solid state batteries. Companies like Mg They have already advanced that they are the future for the electric car to consolidate 1,000 kilometers of autonomy, Honda has opened a megaphabrica dedicated to them, and Byd just announced nearby plans to start implementing them.

The Chinese company has placed when it intends to start marketing electric cars fed by this type of batteries. Spoiler: There is not too much To start enjoying them.

In the second annual battery summit and solid state development of China during the last weekend, Sun Huajun, the CTO of the Byd battery business, gave relevant information about the company’s progress.

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According to your statements, Byd is ready to Start marketing vehicles with solid state batteries from 2027. Between 2027 and 2029 its first phase will begin, starting from a limited production as a demonstration phase.

From 2030, this production is expected to start working on a large scale, beginning to democratize mainly in its highest range vehicles. According to byd, this type of batteries are more stable, allow faster loads, and greater autonomy.

Although 2030 will be presumably the year in which this type of batteries will have more presence, the adoption will not be massive. The cost of solid state batteries remains higher than that of LFP batteries, so this second type of batteries is expected to remain alive for at least 15 years. Those of solid state will be Focused first -line products Already luxury brands of the group, as a denza or yangwang.

Despite this, the objective of giants such as Catl is to achieve mass production that ends up making this type of batteries more accessible. These are the Holy Grail For the future of the electric car, and incorporating them into mass models is the next step.

Image | Byd

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Byd has already placed solid state batteries in their electric cars: we have good and bad news

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Ricardo Aguilar


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