Present in the daily food of millions of people, the rice and the paste They have become two of the most consumed foods worldwide thanks, among many other factors, for their accessibility as well as their versatility to cook and consume.
However, and like any food we eat, more than one ignores which of these preparations has greater nutritional or beneficial properties for health.
According to an investigation carried out by the specialized magazine Men’s Healthhe rice and the pastewhich are not usually recommended by nutritionists when it comes to losing weight, they contribute important nutrients For the functioning of the human body in addition to providing energy.

However, and as mentioned by the same investigation, determine which food is more beneficial for health requires other factors such as Nutritional objectives of each person as well as the very variations of each preparation.
At what time is rice better and when is it better to eat pasta?
As mentioned in the article, through the voice of experts Nutritionistshe rice It is characterized by hosting significant amounts of fiberso eating it can help reduce up to 3 centimeters waist.
In addition to the above, this food is considered a great fuelsince it provides 28 grams of carbohydrates by ration, in addition to containing magnesium, which will provide extra energy to the organism.

Regarding the pastethis account, among many other things, with Selenium, a nutrient of vital importance for the functioning of the human body. In addition to the above, this preparation can help regulate the blood sugar, benefit weight loss and even contribute fertility.
Given the benefits of each food, the investigation mentions that the differentiation, on which preparation is better, also depends on the variation or type of both the rice as of the paste.

Therefore, experts say that pasta refined have greater benefits than the rice white. However, and if it is a version comprehensivethe best option is to choose the Integral rice About the whole pastes.
The above is because the rice has more fiber and minerals, which leaves any type of paste.
In addition to this, experts recommend consuming more comprehensive products because they have the peculiarity of quenching the appetite in addition to providing more nutrients.
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