Let’s tell you How to get your reference number for the statement of the 2024 Income Campaign, which is what we must do in 2025. It is a six -digit number that will serve to manage any of the services related to this income campaign.
We are going to tell you in a summary way the two methods to obtain your reference number. On the one hand, you can do it through the website of the Tax Agency. And on the other you can turn to The APP of the Tax Agency or aeat, available for Android In Google Play and for iOS In the App Store.
Your reference number by the web

To get your reference number through the Internet, you have to go to the page headquarters.GENCIBUTARIA.gob.es/sede/numero-referencia.html. In it, click on Get your reference numberwhich is the only option within the picture of Efforts.

You will enter a page where You must identify yourself as a person. For this, you can use Your digital certificateincluding the FNMT certificate and the DNIEor with the mobile key system, including the PIN key. Choose the method you want and identify.

And that’s, when you do You will go to a page where the reference number is told. This website also indicates your NIF to know that the number is yours and there has been no error in identification.
Your reference number by the app

To obtain your reference number from the mobile application, you have to click on the option to look at your profile Up to the right. This option will appear starting session. If you have not logged down, simply click on Users and use the digital certificate to identify you.

Just click on the profile button or immediately after identifying as a user you will go to a screen where Your reference number is shown. You will also see your ID to verify that you have identified yourself correctly.
In Xataka Basics | Rent 2024: How to request the digital certificate on the mobile and PC to prepare for the draft of 2025