China lives a cherry fever and Chile has become supermarket. It is a danger to the Chilean industry

The culinary tastes and customs of some countries may seem peculiar. It is not necessary to go very far: a few years ago The #Swedengate occurred for the controversy that, in Sweden, Guests did not feed. It is a more Nordic custom that clashes with the Mediterranean. If we go the other tip of the world, in China, we find that They have predilection for one stinky fruit that put even in pizza.

But they also like cherries. Much, very much, so much that they buy them from Mansalva to a country that has become its great supplier and with which they have opened up to a commercial route exclusively for that. And that country is Chile.

Grapes Cherries at the end of the year. Each country has its customs and rites associated with certain festivities. The twelve end of the year grapes are the perfect example. While in Spain fresh and green grapes are used, traditionally, in Portugal And some Latin American countries are also twelve, but raisins.

In China, tradition is not so much to eat, but to give away, being the fruit predicts the cherry. The reason is that cherries are seen as a symbol not only of good luck to face the new year, but also of renewal. Its red color is associated with fortune, joy and is common as a gift and element of great importance in family celebrations.

Globalization. Cherries in China not only symbolize good luck, but also family union. It is not something new, but its cultural impact has been modified in recent years due to a single reason: globalization.

In the past, the consumption and gift of cherries was associated with some quality that, therefore, was exclusive. Almost like a luxury article for families. And it was so because in China, although cherries are grown, at this time of year production is limited due to climatic conditions. That’s where Chile, where it is summer, entered the equation, supply The Chinese market with its cherries.

Fever. Because of this, its consumption shot. In 2016, Chile exported around 40,000 tons of cherries to China. In 2023, it increased to more than 370,000 tons. For the last season, it is estimated that the figure will be close to 660,000 tons. Chile is flooding the Chinese market and that has allowed this exclusive article to become something more common and that everyone who wants to access.

Impact on Chile. Of course, to the Chilean market, this has come as a ring to the finger. Cherry is one of its main products, representing almost 40% of the fruit production value in the country, and it is estimated that this demand from China has caused that more than 90% of exports to that market are cherries.

Cherry Express. You had to find new ways to export cherries to China to cover two needs: increase the number and that they would reach the Asian giant faster. Not only to expedite everything, but for the fruit to remain fresh. The road? The “Cherry Express”, a commercial route Inaugurated at the beginning of 2024 focused on improving the communication of the Chilean ports of San Antonio and Valparaíso with that of Tianjing In China.

It is a port very close to Beijing, an epicenter of cherry consumption, and with this route the times are shortened and the processes are expedited, which also allows you to lower the price of cherries in the destination market. Besides, I know They incorporated to the route ships a series of technological innovations to monitor all the parameters of the refrigerated containers and guarantee the optimal state of the fruit.

Concern for prices. This flood of cherries has a negative appearance that producers are seeing these last months: overproduction and overexport. Seeing China’s taste for cherries, Chilean farmers have focused precisely on their cultivation. It is estimated that production has increased by 40% for the last harvest, but in China they are not sold as many as those exported, the price collapses.

It is something that is already worrying To Chilean producers because estimate is that the price of cherries in the last season is between 30% and 60% lower. Not only is there on the price, but a demand that has been reduced Due to the state of the Chinese economy, which can reduce the consumption of non -essential products.

Chilean reaction. This situation is making the Latin American country wonder about the long -term sustainability of the industry, so much that there are strategies and the ones it promotes Prochilepointing to the diversification of markets and the improvement of competitiveness with an objective in mind: that the industry does not depend on prices for a single product.

Images | Prochile

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