Green hydrogen is the best known for its production from renewable energy, becoming One of the cleanest options. However, there are other types of hydrogen that can be of less to more pollutants. Among which we are going to highlight turquoise hydrogen, because it has aroused interest in its production process from methane without emitting CO₂.
Turquoise hydrogen. The Japanese company Ebara has begun to investigate The main benefits of using turquoise hydrogen in front of other types of hydrogen. In his studies he has found in this gas a clean alternative that comes from methane contained in natural gas or biogas.
The National Institute of Materials Sciences and the University of Shizuoka participate in the project, as well as the Taiyo Koko material manufacturer. In addition, the initiative is part of the Organization for the Development of New Energies and Industrial Technologies, promoted by the Japanese Government.
How is the process? The Japanese company has concentrated its work on the pyrolysis of methane, that is, in trying to separate hydrogen and solid carbon into different reactors. From this work, more efficient hydrogen can be produced without compromising the quality or amount of carbon generated. In addition, when separating solid carbon, the possibility of using it in a variety of industries, such as the manufacture of tires, carbon fibers for cars and airplanes, among others, is opened.
What happens in Spain? If we have to talk about hydrogen and methanewe can talk about Spain, but before that a recent report has detailed that the Iberian Peninsula leads the energy transition with 82% of clean electricity. Spain has stood out for ambitious initiatives, such as the H2Med corridorwhich aims to create an infrastructure for the distribution of green hydrogen between Spain, France and other countries in Europe.
For its part, the biomethane It is presented As an interesting option in the context of the transition towards cleaner and sustainable energy, being one of the sources to produce hydrogen without CO₂ emissions, as demanded by the growing energy industry.
Turkish hydrogen forecasts. The future of turquoise hydrogen seems promising and Spain could become a great energy hub if combines the different projects that are underway. For its part, the Ebara company hopes to have its production process ready for marketing around 2026.
In addition, the combination of clean hydrogen with solid carbon industrial applications opens new opportunities for the use of these materials in key sectors, such as automotive and aviation, which could transform not only energy, but also entire industries.
Everything remains in Navarra. Apart from producing hydrogen through methane, there are also other investigations to continue taking advantage of this gas. A group of engineers from the same Autonomous Community managed to develop A solution by transforming the way clean energy occurs from methane. This research, focused on a technique of decomposition of methane, promises to offer a sustainable natural gas alternative without generating carbon dioxide emissions (CO₂).
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