A balanced diet is one of the pillars of health, and it can be expensive if the information is not managed to allow choosing products according to needs and at a low cost. A gastronomy expert assures that By reading the labels carefully you can find good options at Dollar Tree like 5 anti-inflammatory foods that he managed to achieve with this method.
Recipe developer, and Professional Home Economist (PHEc), Kris Osborne explains in Eating Well that although it is not a common place to look for healthy foods, in Dollar Tree found substantial savings on items like: omega-3-rich salmon and walnuts, antioxidant-packed frozen berries, and fiber-packed oats.
Osborne explains that nutritious eating can be accessible to everyone and that a vital element is carefully reading labels combined with strategic purchasing to stock up on anti-inflammatory foods.

Remember the importance of keeping inflammation at bay so that the body has the ability to heal from injuries or fight infections.
“Anti-inflammatory foods, like little firefighters, help calm inflammation (the fire) in our bodies through their unique combinations of bioactive compounds, antioxidants and essential nutrients,” he adds.
Although for many the term “anti-inflammatory” sounds expensive, the expert makes her specific food recommendations.but not before warning that there are many processed foods at Dollar Tree, so it is essential to read the labels.

Pink salmon without skin or bones

Chicken of the Sea pink salmon, without bones or skin, is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vital for health, since the body cannot produce them and must be taken from food or supplements. This product can be found at Dollar Tree in 2.5 ounce packages for $1.25. The expert comments that she buys several bags of salmon to prepare salads, sandwiches, and salmon burgers.
A quick recipe involves mixing fatty salmon flakes with fresh herbs, a raw egg, breadcrumbs, a tablespoon of Greek yogurt, and mustard for a tasty meal that serves as a starter, side dish, or topping sandwiches.
frozen vegetables
Fresh vegetables have many benefits, but frozen vegetables are very nutritious, cost-effective. At Dollar Tree you can get a variety of vegetables for $1.25; the cauliflower rice weighs 10 ounces and the seasoning mix weighs 12.
TJ Farms riced cauliflower, which Osborne adds to smoothies and sauces to provide fiber and nutrients, which are key to relieving chronic inflammation.
There’s also TJ Farms’ Cajun Trinity of onions, celery, and red and green bell peppers, to add to preparations rich in antioxidants that fight cell damage and provide additional vitamin C.
Natural oats

Oatmeal is one of the foods considered anti-inflammatory because it is rich in antioxidants and natural fiber. At Dollar Tree the traditional Sunco Natural oats. The expert buys four to six one-pound bags at a time, since it is one of the products she consumes the most.
Oats contain special compounds called Aveanthramides that are 10 to 30 times more potent as antioxidants compared to polyphenolic compounds typically found in other grains, he explains.
Walnuts in halves and pieces

Another recommended product to purchase is 2-ounce bags of walnuts. Nuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids of plant origin. As we have mentioned, omega-3 is a key nutrient for cardiovascular health and a source of good quality energy and has a satiating effect that reduces appetite between meals. Recently, the FDA included nuts among “healthy” foods.
The recommended amount of nuts per day is 30 grams, they can be eaten as a snack, added to salads, desserts, oatmeal, yogurt and sauces.
frozen berries

Frozen berries in a 20-ounce presentation for $3, it is one of the most expensive he found, although he admits that it is one of the best deals. Blueberries and strawberries are the anti-inflammatory ingredient packed with antioxidants, which are effective in preventing cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. Berries can be added to smoothies, yogurt, overnight oats, desserts and jellies.
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