In 2024 Nicolas Cage, in 2025 Stephen King. The revolutionary horror cinema returns with a new epic of humor and gore

Osgood Perkins is one of the most stimulating horror film directors of today (in addition, consecrated to gender: fans are lucky that it is not one of those creators who roll two impact films and then retire to more prestigious genres or profitable). And above, it is wonderfully prolific: last year, ‘Longlegs‘It became the cult film par excellence; This year, already in February, his ‘The Monkey’ is on his way to running the same fate.

Oz Perkins likes fear. As is well known, Perkins is the son of an authentic horror cinema icon, Anthony Perkins, but with his good work he has been distanced from the titanic shadow of his father: before his international revelation with ‘Longlegs’, Perkins He already signed small but tremendously disturbing films, in which he showed an incredible hand for gender. As in his debut, the very sick ‘The envoy of evil‘, his personal vision of fairy tales with’Gretel and Hansel‘, And the modest but very intense’I am the beautiful creature that lives in this house‘For Netflix.

‘Longlegs’, a murky descent to madness. Descent, but as one descends rolling down the stairs to the darkest corner of a flooded medium basement. ‘Longlegs’ left Patidifuso to everyone in 2024 thanks to one of the most extreme papers of Nicolas Cage (which is already), but also because of the unexpected of their script turns and for the few concessions that this story gave this story this story of an FBI agent with some extrasensory capacity, and that is embarked in the search for a murderer who soon acquires absolutely inexplicable dyes.

And now, Stephen King. Here is all of icons of the disheveled gesture and the insomnia nights. Stephen King, Nicolas Cage and now, Stephen King. Because his is the story that inspires Perkins’s new movie, ‘The Monkey’, which arrives at theaters this week. The original story is the variant of a code that King has used on countless occasions (‘the store’, ‘animal cemetery’), that of the monkey leg: do not want something very strong, because the desire can meet with the same force and with devastating consequences. But Perkins has brought the original story completely to its land.

The desire monkey. The film starts when two twin brothers find among their father’s objects, whom they did not get to know, an old toy monkey with a drum. Soon a series of truculent deaths begin to happen in their surroundings, and that blame the monkey. The brothers decide to get rid of him and continue with their lives, although they end up distancing over the years. But suddenly the strange deaths take place again and the brothers must meet to end the power of the monkey.

Laugh until he died. We said that Perkins had taken his own way when adapting the original story, and that path is that of humor. The deaths, absolutely free, unexpected and very bloody, are the most grotesque that have been seen on the screen from the saga ‘final destination’, with which ‘The Monkey’ has more than one point in common. Blood acrobatics, creative gore and a feverish rhythm of demential deaths mark the rhythm of a hilarious film and that definitely consecrates Osgood Perkins as one of the greats of modern terror.

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