Share meetings with Boomers and Millennials

The Z generation is marking its own standards in the workplacewith substantial changes in relation to label and behavior with respect to their classmates.

The survey made by papersowl to 2,000 young people between 18 and 34 years old revealed that Rules of behavior They seemed basic, they did not have the same consideration for the youth of generation Z as They are incorporated into the labor market.

With the return to the offices, the youth of the Z generation are entering a new scenario in which they must physically live with colleagues from other generations, so they must adapt to avoid confrontations in Work meetings.

Arrive 10 minutes late, is to be late

One of these new rules of label that has relaxed generation ZIt is punctuality. When it comes to meetings, that is one of the most common mistakes and is one of the main fouls of Respect for the rest of the attendees.

As he counted Arden Clise in An interview for Business InsiderExpert in Protocol and Professional Relations, “if everyone is late, you cannot start a meeting on time and what is needed to achieve is not achieved,” said Clise. In that case, the recommendation is to give a couple of minutes of courtesy, but start the meeting on the scheduled time not to waste time those who have arrived on time.

The presence of the remote assistant

If people are remote people in the meeting, the right thing is keep the camera on at all times to reinforce the presence of the person. Turn it off (except for technical problems or specific incidents) while intervening or during a direct conversation lack of respect is considered.

It would be the equivalent of one of the attendees heading to another turning his back. In person you would never do it, so a way to maintain that “visual contact” is to keep the camera active.

Video -ollal meetings already suppose a challenge in itself for the complexity of the Human communication systemspreventing that the entire context of microgests are effectively transmitted that, subconsciously, we transmit human beings being face to face. Keeping the camera off ruins any possibility of communicating efficiently.

No multitasking during meetings

Multitary is one of the main enemies of productivity And, in addition, according to Clise a disrespect for the rest of the attendees. “If you are not present at the meeting, if you are doing another job, you will not listen to what is happening. You are not going to participate because you are losing that opportunity,” said the label expert.

Unless you are Taking notesor reviewing the documentation of the meeting, refraining other tasks during the course of the meeting. One of the objectives of the meetings is to share certain problems or solutions, so the contribution of the attendees is necessary. That implies Keep attention On the subject that is being treated in case you can contribute something.

If on the contrary, you think your presence at that meeting is totally unnecessary and makes you waste time, you might deny you to attend. It is something that Elon Musk imposes on his employees: If you get bored or your presence does not contribute anything, go.

Write excessively in chat

Another error that should be avoided in remote meetings is Write too for chat. This channel can be used to add links to documents or information about what is being discussed, but comment on the meeting in parallel through the chat generates distractions to others.

“Chatting is like maintaining a parallel conversation in a meeting in person,” said Clise. It is best to use it with moderation and only for specific things that provide additional data to attendees.

Monopolize the conversation

The opposite end to do other things during the meeting is to monopolize the conversation with constant interventions, without leaving other thoughts and option to share their thoughts and obstruct communication.

If your role is to explain a certain project, space should be left for the comments of other assistants, doubts or possible questions, instead of monopolizing all the time or trying eclipse or interrupt comments of third parties.

“Sometimes it is difficult at a meeting, especially in a virtual meeting, knowing when someone ended or will end. But if you are someone who interrupts others regularly … that can be very offensive,” said the relationship expert labor.

Right to speak, but also to shut up

Meetings, especially face -to -face, are a whole Challenge for introverts. Such and as stood out Itziar García, Director of Communication and Institutional Relations of Blablacar, not all have the same ability to speak in public, even in front of co -workers, so someone He prefers to stay silentyour decision must be respected and not increasing for it.

Instead, what is indicated is to ask in an polite way what they think about a specific point, reinforcing their security by commenting that the good ideas they could have in the past.

Comply with the commitments acquired

One of the reasons for Take notes during meetings is to ensure that all attendees are clear about tasks that must be completed and the deadline To do them.

Arden Clise assures that one of the most common mistakes is to forget them as soon as he leaves the meeting because They have not been noted Neither tasks nor deadlines. Failure to comply with it is a lack of respect for the rest of the classmates who have taken the trouble to do their job.

“Not fulfilling your part of work tasks does not speak well of you. If you do not do your work, you do not help your colleagues and do not allow the company to achieve its goals,” says the expert.

In Xataka | “We have reached the point of maximum human inefficiency.”

Image | Unspash (Cherrydeck)

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