Winter can be a challenging time for those who wear a curly hair. Cold, wind and humidity can make our curls dry, curled and difficult to handle. However, With adequate care, you can keep them defined, hydrated and full of life Throughout the season.
Imagine a curly hair that overflows health and beauty, which Resists winter obstacles with personality and style. That dream is much more attainable than you think. With this complete guide, you will discover A series of fifteen tricks and tips that will help you transform your hair care routine and to wear spectacular curls.

Intense hydration
Winter demands extra hydration. Incorporate into your routine deep hair masks At least once a week to nourish them in depth. In addition, the without rinse conditioners They will be your best allies to keep your curls soft and defined throughout the day. Do not forget that adequate hydration is the key to showing healthy and pretty curls even in the coldest months.

Use defining products
To enhance the natural beauty of your curls, it is essential to use specific products designed to define them. Creams for curls, Mousses and activators They are excellent options to hydrate, shape and control the Frizz. These products provide the necessary nutrients so that your curls look more defined, elastic and full of life.

The ‘Scrunching’ method
This technique is super simple and effective. Once you have applied your defining product Favorite on wet hair, simply Gently squeezes each lock from the tips up. This movement helps form curls, eliminates excess water and promotes a natural definition. With a little practice, the Scrunching will become your best ally to Show some defined curls and full of life.

Use argan and coconut oil
Argan oil It is an elixir that seals moisture, provides a spectacular brightness and controls the Frizz. Apply it in small quantities on humid or dry hair to enjoy its benefits. On the other handcoconut oil It is a natural moisturizer that Nourish the tips deeplythus preventing the dreaded open tips. Get used to applying it before sleeping to wake up with healthier and more defined curls.

The ‘Plopping’ method
He Plopping It is a simple but effective technique that has revolutionized the care of curls. It consists of Wrap wet hair on a cotton shirt or a microfiber towelforming a kind of turban. This technique Help to absorb excess water without causing friction and It significantly reduces frizz.

Homemade avocado mask
The avocado It is a star ingredient to nurture and repair your curls. This fruit, rich in healthy fats, It penetrates deeply into hair fiber, moisturizing it and leaving it soft and bright. Prepare a homemade mask Mixing the pulp of a mature avocado with a little olive oil, apply it on your hair and let it act for about 30 minutes before rinsing. You will see how your curls recover life and look healthier.

Avoid combing dry hair
Comb your hair Dry can be very harmful to your curls, since it makes them more fragile and prone to break and curl. It is essential to unravel your hair carefully while it is wet and with applied conditioner. Use a wide tooth comb or your fingers to gently separate the strands, avoiding pulls that can damage the cuticle.

Night hairstyles
To protect your curls while sleeping and waking up with defined hair and without Frizztest with night hairstyles. Before bed, you can braid your hair in one or several braids or pick it up in a high and soft bunensuring that it is well subject but without tightening too much. These hairstyles They will prevent your curls from crushing during the night and will help maintain their natural shape until the next day.

The importance of pillow cover
Wake up with much more soft and defined curls simply Changing your cotton pillow cover for a satin. The silky texture of the satin reduces friction, which prevents your hair from getting tangled and damaged during the night. This little one Change will mark a before and after in the health of your hair that you can notice from the first night.

Create your curls with water
If you notice that your curls begin to be frightened throughout the day, do not worry. Spray some water on them to reactivate the products you have applied and define them gently with your fingers or a wide tooth comb. Remember not to touch them in excesssince this can cause more Frizz. With this simple trick, you can keep your curls defined and with a healthy appearance throughout the day.

Make use of ‘co-wash’
If you are looking for a quick way to refresh your curls without resecting them, the co-wash It is your perfect ally. This method consists of Wash hair only with conditioner, without using shampoo. This viral technique is ideal For the days you don’t have much time or when you want Avoid washing your hair too often.

Inverted diffusion
By bowing the head down and directing the air flow to the rootsyou will achieve a greater volume and definition. The diffuser, al Distribute the air more smoothly, significantly reduces the Frizz And it helps each curl form naturally. This technique is ideal for those looking for a more spongy look with greater movement.

Define your curls with ‘finger coiling’
If you are looking for a more precise and personalized definition for your curls, this technique is the solution. It consists of Roll up small strands of humid hair around your fingers, forming individual loops. It is perfect for Define very small curls or to create curls in wavy hair. Once the loops formed, you can let them dry outdoors or use a diffuser to accelerate the process and add more volume.

Avoid touching your hair excessively
Avoid touching your hair constantly, since Your hands may transfer natural oils and dirt, which can eventually cause Frizz and cakes. The more you touched your hair, the more the frizz will be activated and its defined shape will lose. Try to keep your hands busy and resist the temptation to caress your curls constantly.
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