Behind him Vodevil of the ‘Beast of the East’ and the anticyclonic wall last week, the thing will change radically in the Atlantic. And, in the next few days, the polar jet “He will take run“And the ocean will live an authentic”Festival of cycloogenesis“
It will only need a little luck so that this “festival” passes over Spain.
“Festival of Cycogenesis”? Yes, we return to another week of creativity in terms of weather communication. However, as usual, the expression is not free: in the next few days the “anticyclonic wall” will disappear, but Blocking anticyclone in Scandinavia It will continue to entry next week. That opens a route so that, from the Atlantic, storms enter more easily.
And they will take advantage of it. It is expected that, in the middle of the week, a cold air embolism will join a small storm from the Azores and will impact with the west of the peninsula. Right now, the models indicate that it will arrive weakened; But, as with these structures, it is very difficult to know what will happen until we know where exactly will be located.
But that’s not the fat. The “fat” is a true turn to the country’s meteorological situation. Because shortly after, the Scandinavian anticyclone will begin to move towards Greenland and that will make LA stream current down more than usual.
That can end up generating a huge storm train entering the west. In fact, today, the most likely scenario is that: the successive impact of a series of deep depressions from the Atlantic.
The problem is that it remains Even too much time. That is, we do not know the details: it can be a fantastic week of water in abundance or a huge succession of storms that put in trouble in the middle country.
What can we expect? Little for now. In the most likely stage, we will see how the fronts will happen throughout the week and The rain will reach the whole country (with lower incidence in the Canary Islands and the southeast of the Peninsula).
For the rest, little is known: They are not clear either the temperatures or the most affected areas. Only a few days are coming and that, since The ghost of drought never abandons usIt is not bad news.
Image | Tropical tidbits