Thus has changed the way of working after the pandemic

Five years have passed since the Covid-19 pandemic marked a before and after in the way we work, forcing companies and employees to quickly adapt to New work models.

Five years later, studies like that of the Gallup consultant and WFH Research have documented how these transformations have impacted the work environment: from the Award and drop of teleworking to the challenges related to the Mental health and commitment of employees.

Evolution of remote work to hybrid. According to Gallup data, in 2019 60% of employees with Ability to telework They went to the offices five days per week. 32% already made it alternating face -to -face and remote work days. A model that we now know as hybrid days. Before everything changed, only 8% worked in a way completely remote.

Over Half of US Remote Capable Employees Expect and Prefer Hybrid Work
Over Half of US Remote Capable Employees Expect and Prefer Hybrid Work

At present, data on the working day point to greater more diversity. According to Gallup, 55% of the 400,000 employees consulted work in a hybrid modality, 26% teleworking full -time and 19% remain exclusively face -to -face without options to telework at all.

WFH Research data is more conservative in their estimates, assigning 25.7% to hybrid models, 12.9% to full -time teleworking, and a crushing 61.4% for face -to -face work.

Distribution of the day
Distribution of the day

Stagnant since 2023. According to data collected by WFH Research, the number of working days that have been held from home have been stable since the beginning of 2023, representing 27% of the total days worked.

Instead of prioritizing the increase of these remote work days, both studies confirm that employees give priority to maintain time flexibility. At present, an average of 2.3 days per week is worked remote, being the most common day to work from home. However, WFH Research data revealed that on, many occasions, that remote work occurred to compensate that on Friday it had later entered or left before the time, adding that flexibility component.

Rock makes love. Gallup data revealed that the levels of employee commitment They have suffered a notable fall since the beginning of the pandemic, reaching a historical minimum in 2024 that places the employee commitment At 2014 levels. According to this index, 31% of employees felt committed to the values ​​and objectives of their company, while 17% showed actively disconnectedwhich implies being in a Silent resignation situation.

In 2019, 55% of employees consulted by Gallup knew exactly what was expected of them, while, in 2024, it is a percentage barely reached 44%. In the same proportion, the alignment of the values ​​and the culture of the company registered between the employees has fallen before the pandemic, which stood at 38%, while in the updated it barely records 30%, indicating the detachment of the employees and the Lack of template cohesion.

US Employee engagement trend
US Employee engagement trend

It is more complicated to retain talent. One of the direct consequences of this detachment is the difficulty of companies To retain talent. According to Gallup, the percentage of employees who feel they are thriving in their company went from 60% in 2019 to 50% in 2024, accompanied by record levels of negative emotions such as the Stress and exhaustion. This impact has been more pronounced Among young workerswho tend to experience higher levels of burnout and pessimistic evaluations about Your quality of lifeplacing them in a situation of high probability of employment change.

In 2024, 18% of employees claimed to be fully satisfied with their current job, while 51% were thinking of changing jobs or were in Active search for a new job. Exceeding the levels that were recorded at the end of 2019.

Overall satisfaction and attempt to leave among us employees
Overall satisfaction and attempt to leave among us employees

Managers have made a difference. The data collected in five years of surveys by the Gallup consultancy have revealed the importance of communication management and Leadership of intermediate positions and managers.

Those companies with effective leadership have managed to maintain the company’s work culture, evolving with the changes that have occurred in these years.

On the other hand, those companies with managers who have not known how to adapt To the new tools and a changing environment, they have suffered to retain your templates for the deterioration of its employees’ commitment.

In Xataka | “They are much more daring.”

Image | Unspash (Jason Goodman)

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