It doesn’t matter if you delete your messages on WhatsApp, Google keeps them the same. The State Attorney General has discovered him for the bad

Google and WhatsApp have confirmed to the Supreme Court that they will retain the data of Attorney General Álvaro García Ortiz, according to PUBLICA The country. The prosecutor is being investigated for alleged revelation of secrets By filtering information about an agreement offered by Alberto González Amador’s lawyer, a couple of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, to … Read more

I have tried Silbo Money, mobile payments without leaving WhatsApp. It’s like bringing cash to the mobile, for good and for the bad

A few weeks ago we talked about Money whistlethe Sevillian startup that integrates mobile payments in WhatsApp. Its approach is brilliant in its simplicity: instead of competing as another app, it is integrated into “the application we already use” par excellence to become our digital portfolio. The system operates inside WhatsAppwith minimal derivations to the … Read more

If the question is whether your company can include you in a work WhatsApp group, the AEPD leaves no doubt: it depends on who pays

In many companies, WhatsApp groups or from any other social network, they have adopted the role of a communication board, from which the company or those responsible for employees They organize shiftsroutes or vacations of its employees from a single channel. However, despite being very convenient for the organization of the company, adding employees to … Read more

This way you will now share all the music you want from the chat app

It’s almost impossible to keep up with the news. with the continuous updates that it is deploying WhatsApp in Spainand almost every week a new one appears that would be arriving in the next update to the final version of the most installed chat app in these parts. Now he is going for a great … Read more

What data can Google and WhatsApp give about their users after a court order, as in the case of the attorney general?

The judicial case opened against Álvaro García Ortiz, attorney general of the State, continues to move forward to try to settle his responsibility in the leak to the media of Alberto Gómez Amador’s tax filepartner of Isabel Díaz Ayuso. After the procedures to track the prosecutor’s telephone numbers and requesting call information from telephone companiesnow … Read more

It is no longer independent, it is already connected with Facebook and Instagram

If the user can be happy about new updates that allow you to create better statuses with your favorite songswhat WhatsApp has just announced breaks one of the biggest rules of the chat app since it It was purchased in 2014: your independence. Meta has announced that they will be able share WhatsApp statuses directly … Read more