The recipe for the greatest robbery of cryptocurrencies in history

When we buy cryptocurrencies from an application, we usually leave our assets stored directly on the platform itself. This means that the safety of our investments depends on a digital purse managed by a third party. But experience shows that these applications are not 100% armored against computer attacks, so our assets could end up … Read more

The greatest enemy of Perovskita’s solar panels is heat. Some researchers have found a solution: titanium

The commercial viability of Perovskita solar panels is getting closer, thanks to the different solutions over time. However, there is still a big problem to solve to be able to install them, but a team of engineers has managed to solve using titanium. Short. Researchers from the Technological Institute of Georgia in the United States … Read more

It is the second consecutive explosion and the greatest setback in the recent history of the rocket

Starship’s eighth flight was going to be a repetition of the previous launch, which Spacex could not complete because The ship ended up disintegrating On the Atlantic Ocean. However, exactly the same thing has happened again. The ship has exploded again. And in the same flight phase: eight minutes after takeoff, when Starship 34 was … Read more

Telefónica is 100 years old but it is now when you have to decide what you want to be older. Is facing its greatest existential dilemma

Few companies become hundred. Of those who achieve it, few have survived as many transformations as Telefónica. Founded when the phone was a luxury, a civil war, world war, dictatorships, democracies, republics and monarchies, privatizations, technological bubbles and digital revolutions has lived. But He has never faced a crossroads as existential as the current: Define … Read more

People are using AI on Tiktok to “travel in time” to some of the greatest catastrophes in history

Fever for the past (not because of history in its purest form, but for the sensations that were lived in other times) is increasingly strong, and now that the Millennials They are starting to experiment What gene x has been suffering in their flesh for years (nostalgia for what has been lived and not lived … Read more

Someone has stolen $ 1.5 billion in a cryptocurrency market. It is the greatest crypto hacking in history

The cryptocurrency market had been encouraged again months ago. Everything seemed relatively quiet, but two serious events in this segment have brought us again those sensations of distrust and insecurity. And it will not be easy to get rid of them. A historical theft. Last Friday someone managed to hack the market for the sale … Read more

The iPhone 17 point to one of the greatest redesign in their history. One that shouts “android” to the four winds

When the river sounds, water carries, and in the world of phone leaks it is a standard that is usually met. A few weeks ago, Jon Prosser revealed The alleged design of the iPhone 17 Air and iPhone 17 Pro. Two telephone that would arrive, according to the filter, with a redesigned chamber module and … Read more

Kazakhstan is one of the world’s greatest uranium producers. Now has taken another step: its first nuclear power plant

In the geopolitical board of energy, the domain is not only measured in oil barrels or cubic meters of gas. There is a resource, silent but powerful, which is redefining the current panorama: uranium. While some countries look desperately reduce your energy dependenceothers have understood that true power lies in controlling not only the raw … Read more

The founder of Deepseek has been placed in just two weeks among the greatest fortunes of Asia. But it depends on who you ask

The presentation of Deepseek R1China’s artificial intelligence model has shaken the foundations on which AI in the West was being built. A priori, this model would have achieved similar results to those of OpenAi, but with only a fraction of its cost of development, something that has then had its nuances. All this Financial tsunami … Read more

The iPhone is seen in its greatest filtration to date. It is a crazy night between iPhone 14 and iPhone 8

The fourth generation of iPhone se It will launch this week, According to the most recent leaks. It is not unreasonable to think that it will be, since the design of this phone has just been known practically. The filtration shows that, supposedly, will be the iPhone stops this 2025, a phone that would inherit … Read more