It is more expensive to buy it second -hand than order it and sign up for the waiting list

He Xiaomi Su7 Ultra The Chinese electric car market has placed up legs. It has double merit if we take into account that we are talking about the country where the competition for the electric car is the fiercest and because we talk about a company that launched its first electric car just over a … Read more

France receives more tourists than anyone. Now he has had an idea to limit it: put the very expensive flights

Although there is already who says that Spain will end up snatching the crown, France is today the undisputed queen of world tourism. No other nation moves more travelers. Only last year it was expected to arrive in the country some 89.4 million of international tourists, a good handful more than Spain, the US or … Read more

Eggs are so expensive in the United States that there are people opting for a desperate solution: rent chickens

If you have bought eggs these last days, surely there is something that has caught your attention. The price has increased, 25% in some casesand curiously its price is a Good economic thermometer. An increase in the price of eggs affects sectors such as hospitality, pastry, bakery or precooked products, and in the United States … Read more

If you have the feeling that hotels are more expensive than ever in Spain, the data is right

If you have the impression that hotels are more expensive than ever, no, they are not your impressions. As the sector grows in Spain and the flow of foreign tourists reaches record levelsanother key indicator for accommodations also rebound: prices. Grow. At a good pace. Above Even inflation. And do so coinciding with A boom … Read more

Tesla sales in Europe have sunk 45% and their shares are paying expensive. It’s not even your worst news

The beginning of 2025 is not being the best for Tesla. Sales of electric cars in Europe have shot last January but their sales have fallen to worrying levels. The prospects for investors are not good. These are the data. A new fall. Two weeks ago, we counted on Xataka that the price of the … Read more

Surfshark’s offer shows that having a VPN does not have to leave expensive

No matter how our day to day: the most normal thing is that we spend a few hours sailing online. Taking into account the amount of dangers that we can find, it is not unusual that has become fashionable to navigate with a VPN. We can use a free, Although it is always better to … Read more

If you have never bought a 3D printer because they are very expensive, much eye at these five offers in a good variety of models

3D printers are not usually especially cheap and there are many things that we must take into account if we are going to buy our first printer. But there are brands that make it a little easier by having a good amount of models that are aimed at a more casual or more expert user. … Read more

Donald Trump prepares to apply tariffs of more than 25% for chips and that means one thing: much more expensive laptops

Donald Trump does not hesitate. At a press conference on Tuesday, the president of the United States Indian than your administration It could apply tariffs of about 25% to the car industry. But this is not the worst: the worst thing is that the pharmaceutical industry and The semiconductor They could be even more affected. … Read more

The mountains needs maintenance, but doing so is expensive. In León they have opted for four -legged firefighters and hooves

Environmental care does not always require large investments or technologies to the last. Sometimes, you just need controlled grazing to prevent problems in electrical networks. Everything may sound very confusing, but a pioneering project has found a great solution. Short. As the saying would say, it is better to prevent than cure, and so is … Read more