If the question is how much money it exists in the world per person, this graphic developer has the answer

Imagine there was a form of distribute all money in cash of the world equitably between Each inhabitant of the planet. Thus, a Wisconsin farmer would have the same cash That a potter in New Delhi, a goat shepherd in Namibia or a dentist in Sydney. How much money You think it would correspond to … Read more

A German developer has bought a Nazi bunker for one million euros. Now he wants to turn it into a “fortress” for the rich

Germany is still grappling with the legacy of the Nazis. Throughout the country there is an extensive network of bunkers of the Second World War with the capacity to accommodate almost half a million people. Some of those left have been redesigned to serve citiesbut there are those who want to recover them for something … Read more

‘Ninja Gaiden 4’ and an immersion in the new and brutal ‘DOOM’, highlights of the new Xbox Developer Direct

Xbox has once again given us an approach to four of its studios so that we can access the development of as many of its most anticipated upcoming games, in a Developer Direct which has included a surprise with a game that was not announced until now. At that point and with that expected announcement … Read more